Discussion includes a case of an IT consultant fined for revealing poor security, triangle fraud, the proposal to create .INTERNAL domains by ICANN, setting up a NAS - benefits of RAID, choosing a distro, and disk size selection. The importance of backups is emphasized, and the limitations of RAID are explained.
Companies should prioritize robust security practices to avoid legal consequences for exposing poor security.
Efficient investigations and careful handling of e-commerce scams are crucial to prevent innocent victims from suffering the consequences.
Deep dives
Importance of Security Measures in Applications
The podcast episode discusses a case where an IT consultant in Germany was fined for exposing poor security in an application. The consultant discovered a password in plain text embedded in an executable file, which provided access to a publicly accessible database. After notifying the company about the security flaw, they blamed and took legal action against the consultant instead of addressing the issue. The episode raises concern about the lack of awareness regarding security measures, emphasizing the need for companies to prioritize robust security practices in their applications.
Challenges in E-commerce Fraud Investigations
The podcast explores a complex case of e-commerce fraud in Canada, known as the 'triangle of fraud.' In this scheme, the attacker gains access to a victim's credit card or retail login and uses it to set up an e-commerce site or list items on platforms like Amazon. The attacker then purchases those items using the victim's account and ships them to another unwitting victim. The RCMP, Canada's federal police, mishandled the investigation, wrongly accusing the second victim of theft and engaging in aggressive and intimidating tactics. The case highlights flaws in the justice system and the need for more careful investigations to prevent innocent people from suffering the consequences of such scams.
Benefits of Using '.internal' Domain for Internal Networks
The podcast episode discusses the proposal to use the '.internal' domain for private internal networks. This domain serves as a non-routable, private domain similar to 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x subnets. By using the '.internal' domain, DNS queries for internal network resources will not be sent to the public root servers, avoiding unnecessary traffic. The episode highlights the importance of having a clearly defined and non-routable domain for internal network infrastructures and suggests that the adoption of the '.internal' domain can enhance network security and efficiency.
Trying to report a security issue lands a consultant in trouble, a new take on the drop shipping scam, setting up your first NAS – including the benefits of RAID, picking a distro, choosing the right disk size, and more.