In this episode, Brian Auten and Chad Gross interview Dr. Phil Fernandes on the topic of apologetics as it relates to pastoring. Lots of insights and stories in this episode!
2:08 - Recommended YouTube channel: Acts 17 Apologetics
5:00 - Intro to Dr. Phil Fernandes
6:38 - Phil’s background
10:36 - A story of Phil being mistaken for Columbo?
17:55 - Character among Christian apologists
19:43 - Topics that need addressed in our current culture
23:09 - Paranormal apologetics
25:23 - Cultural apologetics
29:39 - Karl Payne’s book on Spiritual Warfare
32:53 - How do pastoring and apologetics relate to one another?
41:32 - Advice to pastors on the need for apologetics
51:39 - Advice for those doing apologetics; hard-earned lessons, advice for debates
59:35 - What is question-bombing and how to address it
1:02:59 - Resources and books by Dr. Phil Fernandes
www.philfernandes.org Audio: appreciate your feedback.
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