This is rebroadcasting of an episode with Juditta Ben-David.This is what it’s about--passion, heart and helping others. And today, my guest exudes all of those elements. Today, I’m speaking with Juditta Ben-David, SEP M.A., founder of The Mindfulness in Arabic project (MiA).
MiA has built a website that offers an eight-week Mindfulness course in Arabic, designed for refugees and people in transition. Any person with internet access may enter the website, free of charge, anywhere around the world. The course provides practical tools and exercises tailored specifically to support a shaken population that suffered traumas of fear, death and extreme violence. Juditta’s website also provides tools for therapists, social workers, welfare workers, and volunteers who are currently working with refugee populations, so that they may use mindfulness-based tools for their own needs in coping with work stress and related DP camp difficult experiences, as well as passing them on to their clients.
MiA developed out of the work of our founder, Juditta Ben-David, SEP M.A, in refugee camps in Turkey. Working there with refugees and their supporters/counselors and social-workers the request for additional tools led to a crowdfunding campaign raising one-half of the funds needed to launch our 8-week course. MiA is thankful to be supported by leading Mindfulness instructors like Jon Kabat Zinn, Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, Christopher Titmuss and Patricia Genoud-Feldman as well as Mindfulness providers like Headspace and Mindful Magazine.
In This Episode---
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