Debra Jordan Kauble (Kathie Davis of Budd Hopkins’ Intruders) goes deeply into the question of how mankind is going to face the fact that somebody is here. As former Undersecretary of Defense Chris Mellon has recently offered the opinion that the most probable explanation is “aliens,” more official acknowledgement might not be far off. Back when Deb was with us in July, nobody in the official world had suggested any such thing. But Chris is a bellweather and we can expect more such statements later. So how does the average person, totally unprepared and unconcerned, face this and deal with it? A big part of the answer is going to come from the close encounter community, and as Deb is among the most articulate and thoughtful witnesses in that community, she has a lot to offer. Deb’s life experience has been a long trajectory from pain, fear and confusion to deeper understanding of what happened to her and her family, what has happened since, and what it means to live with this strange new reality that, as she says in the show, may go far beyond the typical assumptions about what aliens are and what contact means.