Mike Reed, The Economist's Bello columnist, unpacks the downfall of Peru’s President Pedro Castillo, revealing how his coup attempt spiraled into rapid political chaos. Tamara Gilkes-Boer, U.S. policy correspondent, tackles the tricky landscape of e-cigarette regulation, discussing the delicate balance between youth protection and adult safety. The conversation also highlights Kenya's motorbike-taxi drivers, their cultural significance, and the unique funerals that illustrate their impact on society. Tune in for insightful analysis on politics and health!
Perhaps Pedro Castillo thought he could repeat the coup staged by his predecessor, Alberto Fujimori, in 1992. He did not, and is now behind bars. We ask how his fitful presidency fell apart so suddenly. Our correspondent explains why getting policy right around e-cigarettes is so tricky. And what the funerals of Kenya’s motorbike-taxi drivers reveal about the country. Help us make the show better: take our listener survey at http://economist.com/intelligencesurvey For full access to print, digital and audio editions of The Economist, subscribe here www.economist.com/intelligenceoffer