Richard Schlesinger, a seasoned correspondent for 48 Hours, delves into the chilling murder of Farah Fratta, found dead in her home amid a divorce from police officer Bob Fratta. The investigation reveals a tangled web of family dynamics, with Bob's seemingly solid alibi raising suspicions. The emotional fallout for their children unfolds as custody battles and grief take center stage. As the legal saga intensifies, shocking revelations about trial evidence and Bob's possible retrial highlight the complexities of justice and truth.
The tragic murder of Farah Fratta unveiled a complex web of suspicion surrounding her husband Bob, who had an alibi yet faced accusatory evidence and custody battle motives.
Bob Fratta's conviction for capital murder was challenged and eventually retried, showcasing the difficulties of securing reliable testimony in a high-stakes legal battle.
Deep dives
The Tragic Murder of Farrah Frata
Farrah Frata, a mother of three, was tragically murdered outside her home on the evening of November 9, 1994, after returning from a haircut. Witnesses reported hearing gunshots and screams, leading to a frantic call to 911 as the police were alerted to the scene. Despite immediate medical attention, Farrah succumbed to her injuries, devastating her family and leaving her three children without a mother. The tension surrounding her messy divorce from her estranged husband, Bob Frata, added complexity to the tragedy, raising suspicions of his involvement from the start.
Suspicion Falls on Bob Frata
Bob Frata, who had a reputation as an upstanding citizen and worked in public safety, quickly became the prime suspect in his wife's murder despite having an alibi. As investigators delved deeper, they found unsettling evidence that pointed towards a potential motive related to their contentious custody battle. Farrah had previously expressed fear for her life, even having reported a disturbing break-in months before her death. Witnesses at Bob's gym mentioned conversations where he casually discussed wanting to 'knock off' his wife, further fueling suspicions about his involvement.
The Role of Key Witnesses and Confessions
In the investigation that followed, testimony from key individuals and alleged confessions played a crucial role in piecing together the murder plot. Bob Frata's alleged co-conspirators, Joseph Price-Dash and Howard Guidry, initially confessed to police but later withdrew their statements, complicating the prosecution's case. Central to the investigation was Mary Gipp, who claimed to have witnessed interactions between Bob and the others that hinted at a conspiracy. Despite the challenges of securing consistent testimony, detectives believed they could connect the dots between Bob and the crime.
The Aftermath and Legal Battles
Ultimately, Bob Frata was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death, but his conviction was overturned years later, leading to a retrial. The new trial faced significant hurdles as many pieces of key evidence were ruled inadmissible, including the statements from his alleged accomplices and critical witness accounts. The jury once again deliberated, hearing testimony that highlighted the peculiar circumstances and accusations against Bob, and ultimately found him guilty. Despite his legal team's efforts to downplay the evidence, the daunting impact of his actions on his family and the evidence presented led to a renewed sentence of death, further complicating the emotional legacy left for his children.
In November of 1994, Farah Fratta was discovered dead in the garage of her Texas home. She had been shot twice in the head. At the time, Farah was in the midst of a divorce with her husband, Bob Fratta. Bob was an upstanding citizen, who worked in public safety as both a police officer and a fireman. But divorce documents were about to make his dark side public. To investigators, Bob was the likeliest suspect in his wife’s murder, but he had a seemingly airtight alibi: he was at church with their three children at the time of Farah's death. “48 Hours" correspondent Richard Schlesinger reports. This classic "48 Hours" episode last aired on 02/05/2011. Watch all-new episodes of “48 Hours” on Saturdays, and stream on demand on Paramount+.