For over four decades, the foremost part of Judy Eror's identity was her role as a wife. But then, after 42 years of marriage, her spouse unexpectedly chose to leave. How does a choice like that affect the promises made over a sacred alter? For Judy, she clung to her covenants more than ever before and has found a peace she ever thought possible.
4:24- “The Perfect Family"
5:35- The Aftermath
7:32- Staying Close to the Lord
11:42- Reliance on Covenants
13:12- Forgiveness Without Being Asked
17:02- Satan’s Overtime Efforts on Families
19:47- Stories End Differently
21:43- Boundaries to Protect and No Regrets
25:10- Therapy Tip
29:28- Allowing Others to Grieve
32:57- Rediscovering Self
36:37- Advice to Others
38:36- “Don’t I Deserve Better?”
42:35- What Does It Mean To You To Be All In? “You will find your voice again. You think it’s gone, you think you have permanent emotional laryngitis but if you will develop your relationship with our Savior Jesus will find your voice and you will be able, once again, to sing the song of redeeming love.”