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Planet Money

FTC Chair Lina Khan on Antitrust in the age of Amazon

Nov 3, 2023
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FTC Chair Lina Khan, a law school scholar, discusses the flaws in current antitrust enforcement and her proactive approach. She highlights the FTC's new lawsuit against Amazon and its efforts to rein in unchecked power. The podcast explores the shift in antitrust thinking, Lina Khan's responsibilities as the Chair of the FTC, and their aggressive enforcement strategy against big tech companies like Facebook, Meta, Microsoft, and Amazon. The antitrust case against Amazon and the possibility of breaking up the company are also discussed.
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Quick takeaways

  • Lena Khan advocates for antitrust reform to counter the negative consequences of monopolies and consolidation, such as limited access to healthcare and higher prices of goods.
  • As FTC Chair, Lena Khan challenges conventional interpretations of antitrust law by pursuing cases against tech giants like Facebook and Amazon, pushing for changes in merger guidelines and expanding the boundaries of antitrust enforcement.

Deep dives

Lena Khan and the Importance of Antitrust Reform

Lena Kahn, Chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), is leading the charge for antitrust reform in the US. She argues that monopolies and consolidation have far-reaching consequences, impacting access to healthcare, prices of goods, and job opportunities. Lena believes that the prevailing approach of letting the market self-regulate has led to hidden costs for consumers. Lena's ideas gained attention in 2017 when she proposed a radical shift in antitrust enforcement. Now, as FTC Chair, she's taking action against tech giants like Facebook and Amazon. While there have been setbacks, Lena is pushing for changes in the merger guidelines and pursuing cases that challenge the existing norms of antitrust enforcement.

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