The Way In A Manger, Part 1: Dead Ends // Andy Stanley
Dec 3, 2023
Guest Andy Stanley, a speaker and author in the field of leadership and Christian ministry, discusses the experience of getting lost in various situations and delves into the correlation between speed and our sense of direction. He explores the challenges of evolving relationships and the importance of recognizing warning signs. Stanley also reflects on the timeless relevance of human nature and the ways in which our choices in life can lead to negative consequences. He highlights Jesus as the way to life and truth.
Recognize when we've lost our way in order to make a change.
Choosing to follow Jesus is a decision to trust Him and surrender our own ways.
Deep dives
Recognizing When We've Lost Our Way
We often don't realize when we've lost our way in life until it's been quite some time. Whether it's in relationships, marriage, career, or any aspect of life, we can be confident and clueless at the same time. We need to acknowledge when we've lost our way in order to make a change.
Choosing the Wrong Way
We often choose a way that seems right to us but ultimately leads to a dead end or destructive outcomes. Our own understanding and perspective can blind us from seeing the right path. We need to recognize that our way may not be the best way and be willing to consider a different way.
The Way Back and Forward
At Christmas, we are presented with Jesus, who is not only the way, but also the person who claimed to know the way and be the way. He offers us a way back to a better version of ourselves, a way through our current messes, and a way forward to the life we desire. Following Jesus and surrendering to His way is the key to finding true direction and fulfillment.
A Different Starting Point
Instead of asking what to do or how to fix our lives, we should ask who to follow. Choosing to follow Jesus is a decision to trust Him and surrender our own ways. It begins with acknowledging that we need guidance and asking God to show us His will for our lives. Following Jesus leads to a different path and a deeper connection with our Heavenly Father.
Have you ever felt like you've lost your way? Usually by the time we realize we’re lost, we’ve been lost for quite some time. And we instinctively ask, "What should I do?" Instead, there’s a different question to consider.