Best of the Program | Guests: Rob Schneider & Voddie Baucham | 11/13/23
Nov 13, 2023
Comedian Rob Schneider discusses his journey turning 60 and how it has changed his outlook on political issues. Dr. Voddie Baucham emphasizes the importance of truth and standing up against lies and falsehoods. They also explore topics such as the presence of organized evil, the erosion of the US Constitution, and recognizing and combating anti-Semitism.
Growing older can give individuals a different outlook on political issues and life changes.
The erosion of truth in society is a concern, and Christians should stand on the truth of the gospel and be truth tellers in a confused world.
Deep dives
The New Tolerance and the Erosion of Truth
The podcast episode discusses the concept of the new tolerance, which includes relativism, pluralism, and tolerance. The new tolerance is selective and intolerant, as it elevates personal desires above the word of God. The episode highlights the growing trend of people being more offended by absolute truth claims than by the sins themselves. The erosion of truth in society is a cause for concern, as people are no longer willing to tolerate truths found in scripture. The episode emphasizes the importance of standing on the truth of the gospel and being truth tellers in a world that often confuses good and evil.
The Role of Christians in Today's Society
The podcast episode addresses the role of Christians in today's society. Christians are called to be truth tellers and stand on the truth of the gospel. The episode emphasizes that sharing Christ and his work is not about superiority, but about loving others enough to present them with the answer to their sin problem. Christians are urged to be bold in sharing the gospel and recognizing that all people are sinners in need of redemption.
Recognizing Evil in Society
The podcast episode highlights the challenge of recognizing evil in society, particularly in the face of biased worldviews. The rise of a neo-Marxist worldview that divides the world into oppressors and the oppressed hinders the ability to see and acknowledge evil actions. The episode mentions the disturbing examples of people calling for the death of Jews and quotes from Hitler, but emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues as a matter of worldview and education. The erosion of historical teaching and the prioritization of oppressor-oppressed narratives obscures the understanding of evil acts and their consequences.
Comedian Rob Schneider joins to discuss his journey turning 60 and the gift of growing older as his life changes give him a different outlook on political issues. Glenn analyzes why the Jewish people are hated around the world and gives what he believes is the one reason. Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr., author of "The Ever-Loving Truth," joins to discuss the importance of truth and standing up for truth amid lies and falsehoods.