Sexual encounters with strange entities are often mentioned by experiencers, but most people shy away from the topic. Author, healer and counselor Erin Montgomery joins Whitley on Dreamland to discuss her own intimate close encounter experiences, and her interpretation of the meaning behind them – all captured in her new book – Dirty Little Secret: Confessions of an Alien Contactee.
She goes on to talk about her lifetime of experiences with the ‘paranormal’, meeting hybrid children, and the apparent involvement of humans/military figures in abductions.
In the third half hour of the show, Erin and Whitley discuss Stockholm syndrome, which causes victims to bond with their oppressors. and dealing with the trauma associated with abduction experiences. Erin passes on advice on how she managed to heal and move forward, and Whitley closes the show by reflecting on a powerful and shattering recent experience he had that seemed to hint at some sort of invasion.
What on EARTH – if this is even happening on Earth – is really going on here? Listen to Whitley and Erin tackle that question and many others in this remarkable interview!