In this episode Brian Auten & Chad Gross interview Eli Ayala about the apologetic methodology known as presuppositional apologetics. The goal is to get a better understanding of the what and why of the approach.
2:28 - Who is Eli Ayala? - Eli affirms 80’s movies and notes his favorites
6:05 - How did you get into apologetics?
13:28 - The Revealed Apologetics YouTube Channel
15:28 - What is important to Eli when doing apologetics?
18:35 - Key scriptures that inform presuppositional methodology
21:46 - Why is this method called “presuppositionalism”?
23:45 - Is this like worldview analysis? What’s special about this?
27:22 - What is the essence of the presuppositional approach?
32:10 - What is the presup framework vs. presup method? Who decides what presuppositionalism means?
34:15 - Is this approach modeled in scripture?
36: 00 - Does Acts 17 show a presuppositional approach or not?
40:01 - Trying to nail down what’s missing in a non-presup method…
46:55 - Trusting God vs. trusting the unbeliever?
48:00 - Discussing various approaches within the presuppositional “camp”
53:49 - Whose theology? And how do we actually apply it?
56:20 - Can we build bottom up or should we start from top down?
1:01:47 - Why isn’t presuppositionalism not taken seriously in philosophy of religion?
1:06:29 - Further resources for reading about presuppositionalism
1:11:43 - Where to find Eli online:
We Destroy Arguments by Stephen Feinstein Ready by Greg Bahnsen All Opposition by Greg Bahnsen Impossibility of the Contrary by Greg Bahnsen welcome your feedback!
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