The hosts discuss the pitfalls of modern meetings, from status meetings to leader dominance. They offer tools to create meaningful meetings. Learn about the benefits of huddles for collaboration. Explore strategies for improving meeting participation and productivity, including 'Make Stuff Time' and experimentation.
Encourage active participation by focusing on full attention in meetings.
Integrate work tasks during meetings to foster collaboration and productivity.
Leverage AI tools for efficient communication and sharing of meeting outcomes.
Deep dives
Active Participation in Meetings
Encourage active participation in meetings by focusing on full attention and intention during meetings. Experiment with fully engaging in the meeting rather than multitasking, which can lead to more meaningful contributions and interactions.
Incorporating Work into Meetings
Integrate work into meetings by collaborating on work-in-progress tasks during the meeting. Break away from traditional meeting structures to actively engage in real work together, fostering a more productive and hands-on approach to discussions and decision-making.
Enhancing Transparency and Sharing
Leverage AI tools to enhance transparency and sharing of meeting discussions. Use AI-generated summaries to efficiently communicate important meeting insights and outcomes to relevant individuals, reducing the need for everyone to attend every meeting.
Experimenting with Meeting Structures
Experiment with different meeting structures and routines to understand what works best for your team. Continuously iterate and refine meeting structures to optimize engagement, effectiveness, and relevance, allowing for adaptation and improvement over time.
Optimizing Meeting Times
Consider the timing and impact of meetings on participants, striving to schedule meetings at optimal times for full engagement. Aim to hold meetings when participants are most mentally present and capable of actively contributing, leading to more productive and efficient discussions.
It seems everybody’s up in arms about meetings these days. “There’s too many! They ones we have suck! We have meetings to prepare for other meetings! They keep me from doing my actual job!” We get it, and we hear you. In fact, between BNW and our current show, we’ve devoted 9 episodes to meetings! What more could there be to say in a tenth?
Turns out, a ton. There’s so much intertwined with modern meeting culture that we’re often doomed to failure before we even get in the room. From the trap of the status meeting to leaders hogging all the stage time, Rodney and Sam dissect where most meetings go wrong and give you the tools to rewrite the script for how to start holding meetings that matter.
If you’re looking to make your next meeting better, make it a huddle! Learn more about how huddles can bring side-by-side collaboration and creativity to your remote teams at
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