MtoM #163: 74 Year Old Woman Becomes A Millionaire and Finance 101: Choosing a 529 Plan
Mar 25, 2024
An inspiring interview with a 74-year-old woman who became a millionaire, highlighting the importance of persistence and pursuing passion. Discussing the significance of choosing a 529 plan for education savings and providing physicians with contract negotiation resources. Also, exploring real estate investments, asset allocation, and the power of surrounding oneself with supportive individuals for entrepreneurial success.
Persistence and passion are key to financial success in real estate and investments.
Building wealth requires savings, perseverance, and a supportive network for long-term growth.
Deep dives
Ann Marie's Journey to Financial Freedom
Ann Marie, a 74-year-old retired professional and author, recently became a millionaire by focusing on real estate and investments. She closed her consulting business during the pandemic but continues to work on her goal of helping others succeed through writing books. By actively managing her real estate investments and following a growth-oriented investment strategy, Ann Marie achieved financial success later in life, emphasizing the importance of persistence, smart investment choices, and setting clear goals for wealth building.
Lessons on Building Wealth
Ann Marie's successful journey highlights the significance of persistence and emotional intelligence in building wealth. She emphasizes the importance of having savings, persistence, and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals to achieve financial goals. Ann Marie's story underlines the value of setting stretch goals, remaining focused, and never accepting setbacks as permanent barriers to success. Through her experience, she encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to prioritize customer service, etiquette, and establishing a dedicated support network to sustain long-term financial growth.
Insights on Starting a Business and Financial Planning
In addition to sharing her wealth building strategies, Ann Marie offers valuable advice on starting a business without accumulating substantial debt. She advocates for focusing on saving and growing through sweat equity, setting clear goals, and manifesting them into reality. Ann Marie stresses the importance of impeccable time management, professionalism, and persistent follow-ups to overcome initial rejections and turn them into successful business opportunities. Her journey exemplifies the rewards of persistence, strategic planning, and surrounding oneself with influential mentors and resources on the path to financial prosperity.
Today we are talking with an entrepreneur and author who became a millionaire in her 70s! She has a passion for inspiring others to live their fullest lives. She built a successful consulting business and her 11th book is about to come out. She talks to us about the importance of persistence and going after the what you are passionate about. We think you will find her message inspiring! After the interview we will be talking about choosing a 529 plan for Finance 101.
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