#017 - Dr. Susan Shaheen, UC Berkeley (Live @ Urbanism Next)
Mar 5, 2018
Dr. Susan Shaheen from UC Berkeley is the leading academic in shared mobility. For two decades she has been at the bleeding edge of research in this field and was a driving force behind the convergence of transportation and technology during this time. We were thrilled to have Dr. Shaheen join us at Urbanism Next to discuss her latest report, Travel Behavior: Shared Mobility and Transportation Equity, which outlines a framework for ensuring that nobody is left behind amid all of the hype surrounding new mobility.Read Dr. Shaheen's latest report here: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/otps/shared_use_mobility_equity_final.pdfAnd follow her on Twitter @SusanShaheen1 to keep up with her work.