Guest Owen Johnston, a self-described 'unremarkable man' who watched a lot of movies during lockdown, discusses his experience and thoughts on good and bad movies. They also chat about their meeting, technical issues, and funny stories including a tent mishap, milk beer, and mic'ing eating scenes in films. The speakers share their movie watching habits, frustrations in the film industry, personal stories, and movie discoveries. They touch on themes, French animation, lockdown stories, and failed murder attempts.
Watching movies can provide relaxation and escape from the hectic pace of life.
Exploring different film genres can expand one's appreciation for cinema.
Taking time for oneself and enjoying simple pleasures like watching movies is important for happiness.
The host shares lesser-known and offbeat movie recommendations.
Committing to a movie-watching challenge can lead to new insights and a deeper appreciation for filmmaking.
Deep dives
Guest's Movie Watching Habits During Lockdown
During the lockdown, the guest, Owen Johnson, watched a movie every day for the past six months, amounting to about 180 movies. This routine was in addition to his regular movie watching. He discusses his experiences and insights gained from watching a diverse range of movies during this time.
The Joy of Getting Lost in Movies
Owen explains his love for movies and how they provide a form of relaxation and escape from the hurried pace of life. He emphasizes the importance of taking time for oneself and enjoying the act of watching movies as a simple pleasure and source of happiness.
Exploring Different Film Genres and Styles
Owen shares his enjoyment of exploring various film genres and styles through his extensive movie-watching experience. He discusses the appeal of different types of movies and what makes a film good or bad in his perspective.
The Value of Time and Relaxation
Owen expresses his preference for a relaxed and unhurried approach to life. He appreciates having time to pursue his interests, such as watching movies, without feeling rushed. He believes in living life at a comfortable pace and finding joy in the simple pleasures and hobbies.
The French Mortgage: A Comical Tale of Financial Struggles
In this story, a special old French mortgage called a viager brings together two people in dire financial situations. The mortgage allows an older homeowner to sell their house at a reduced price and live there until they pass away, receiving a monthly allowance from the new owner. One buyer, facing financial difficulties, purchases a house occupied by an elderly woman also in dire straits. The two are caught in a comical battle as they each attempt to get rid of the other, failing repeatedly until one is successful and ends up in jail.
Community vs. The Road: A Battle for Home
In a small town threatened by a government plan to build a road through their community, residents are offered compensation to move out. Most agree, but a group forms to resist the project. Their efforts build a sense of community and action, with people determined to fight against the road. Eventually, the government forcibly removes all the residents except for one person who refuses to leave their house. This individual becomes a symbol of resistance, making a stand in the face of progress.
Exploring Movies from Different Perspectives
The podcast episode delves into the experience of the speaker, who thoroughly enjoys rewatching movies and gaining new insights with each viewing. They discuss films like 'Bait,' 'Falling Down,' 'The Dark Knight Rises,' and 'Tropic Thunder,' highlighting how multiple viewings reveal hidden details, layers of storytelling, and a deeper appreciation for filmmaking techniques. The speaker shares their passion for exploring different aspects of cinema, ranging from pacing and storytelling structures to the intricacies of character development and the impact of film choices on viewers.
The podcast episode explores unusual and lesser-known movies
The podcast episode delves into the host's experience of watching a variety of films, focusing on lesser-known and offbeat movies. The host discusses films like 'Freaked' (1993) starring Keanu Reeves, 'Virus' (1980) by Edward James Olmos, and 'Prevenge' (2016) directed by Alice Lowe. The host provides brief synopses and highlights the unique aspects and appeal of these films, showcasing their quirky humor, dark themes, and unconventional storytelling.
The podcast episode touches on the process and challenges of watching a movie every day
The episode also delves into the host's experience of committing to watching a film every day. The host discusses the struggles and frustrations that arose, such as finding the time to watch movies within a busy schedule and maintaining focus during screenings. The host reflects on the changing dynamics of watching films and the different aspects they have started paying attention to, such as camera angles, music, and thematic reflections. Despite moments of doubt, the host remains determined to complete the movie-watching challenge.
This week I have another guest and friend from here in Beijing. He’s a self-described rather “unremarkable man” but has done something remarkable during the COVID-19 lockdown: he’s watched a lot of movies. One a day… for the last six months.
Today we Zoom together (because we got rained out in Beijing) and talk about moving to China, life as an ESL teacher, movies and what makes them good or bad. It’s a comical conversation that I’m sure you’ll derive all sorts of pop culture factoids that you can use to impress your friends (or get out of fights) and even add to your movie watch list.