My free Mandarin learning eBook:
In today’s episode, I tell a story in Chinese about bullying and language learning based on personal experience.
As I’ve mentioned previously, I’ll be posting these shorter Chinese episodes every two weeks, in between the longer interviews with Mandarin scholars, learners, and experts.
One of the things I’ve found is that setting yourself a goal to
record and post podcasts speaking Chinese is a brilliant way to improve
your speaking skills. When you know other people are going to hear your recording it pushes you to work harder on your delivery!
So that’s why I’ve decided to open up the podcast to listeners who are interested in recording and producing your own short monologues in Chinese.
If you’re at an intermediate to advanced level and would like
to have a go at recording an episode in Chinese please get in touch by emailing info[at]peakmandarin[dot]com.
You’ll be supported through the process of developing your idea as well as recording and producing an episode in Chinese to be published on I’m Learning Mandarin.
Finally, before you listen to the podcast, I recommend installing the browser plugin Zhongwen Chinese-English Dictionary (available on Firefox and Chrome) so you can look up any characters or words you don’t know by hovering over them.
Now on to the episode!