Introducing Matthew Garff
Matthew Garff is the Senior Managing Director at Sun Capital Partners, Inc. - a private investment firm focused on investing in middle-market businesses. Sun Capital's portfolio includes approximately 35 businesses across multiple sectors, with over 400 acquisitions since the late '90s.
What You Will Learn:
Culture as The Key to Success in Private Equity
The Problem with the Low Barrier to Entry in Private Equity
Private Equity Deal Scarcity
[00:00] Introduction
[01:40] The Mistakes PE Firms Make with Their Portfolio Companies
[02:38] How Sun Capital Measures Company Culture
[05:15] The Link Between Great Cultures and PE Success
[07:32] Current Trends in Private Equity
[11:46] What the Best Firms Do to Create Value in Portfolio Companies
[15:53] The Role of PE Firms in Their Portfolio Company's Success
[18:35] Deal Team and Portfolio Team Working Together
[21:11] What's Driving Deal Scarcity in Private Equity
[25:58] Biggest Lessons in Matthew's Career
[28:02] What Matthew Likes and Dislikes About Private Equity
[29:53] The Low Barrier to Entry in Private Equity
[31:30] What Matthew Watches, Reads, and Listens To
[25:53] Parting Thoughts
How Culture Impacts Private Equity Success
Is company culture important for making successful PE firms and portfolio companies? According to Matthew, the culture within a company plays an important role in the performance of that company. Companies with great cultures often translate to better returns for investors. Companies with not-so-great cultures rarely get the intended results for their investors. Unfortunately, culture can often be an afterthought in PE. So, how can you build great cultures in your company? It all starts with getting the right people in the right positions. Firms with the right people are more likely to build a great culture. This, in turn, benefits the firm by embracing a forward-thinking approach—which is often a common predictor of financial success.
How to Contact Matthew Garff
Matthew's LinkedIn
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