In Episode 597: Fort Polk Dogman, Gabriel shares his encounter with a mysterious creature while he was in the military in 2010. The encounter took place during a training mission in a remote area known as "The Box" inside Fort Polk, Louisiana. Gabriel and his sergeant were tasked with harassing a fake military base during the night, but Gabriel was left alone after his sergeant went back to retrieve a forgotten radio. As he waited alone in the woods, he described feeling a sudden eerie silence in the natural sounds, and he noticed strange occurrences, including a pulsating red light and a large, black shape behind a bush. As his fear intensified, he stood up with his machine gun, intending to fend off what he initially thought might be a bear. However, when he attempted to fire the weapon, a terrifying and powerful roar froze him in his tracks. The creature stood up on two legs and was much taller than him, with yellow, glowing eyes that felt malevolent and ancient. Gabriel felt an intense sense of evil emanating from the creature, leading him to believe it was not an ordinary animal but something far more sinister and supernatural. For years, he had believed it was a demon, and it was only later, in 2021, that he learned about the term "Dogman" as he attempted to make sense of his experience.