Endowment Funds Are Complicated. Here’s What That Means for Student Protesters.
Apr 27, 2024
Bloomberg's Janet Lorin and California's Eliyahu Kamisher explore student protests at universities demanding divestment from Israel-linked companies. They discuss the complexities of endowment funds, ideological clashes, divestment challenges, and controversies surrounding divestment from Israel and allegations of anti-Semitism.
University endowment funds are complex with diverse investments beyond public stocks.
Calls for divestment from companies tied to Israel face opposition over concerns of anti-Semitism.
Deep dives
Impacts of Protests on College Campuses
Protests against the war in Gaza have erupted on college campuses, leading to demands for transparency and divestment from investments supporting Israel. Students and faculty are advocating for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and seek disclosure of their universities' investments. However, the complexities of disclosure and divestment, including universities' sophisticated investment strategies beyond public stocks, raise challenges in the movement.
Challenges in Divesting from Israel
Calls for divestment from companies associated with Israel have faced opposition, with concerns of anti-Semitism and the singling out of Israel as a target. The ideological debate encompasses criticism of Israeli policies versus Israel's right to exist. University leaders and lawmakers oppose divestment efforts, emphasizing the need for a broader focus beyond Israel in similar campaigns.
UC Berkeley's Divestment Movement
At UC Berkeley, demands for divesting from Israel-linked assets have escalated, tied to an encampment at the campus. Despite student-led initiatives, UC administrators have shown no signs of altering investment policies. The intensifying demands and tensions surrounding divestment underscore ongoing campus divisions and the lack of response from university authorities.
Protestors at universities across the country have been demanding that their institutions divest from companies that are tied to Israel or the war in Gaza, a demand universities have long rejected as antisemitic.
On today’s Big Take podcast, Sarah Holder talks to Bloomberg higher education reporter Janet Lorin and California reporter Eliyahu Kamisher about what’s really inside endowment funds and why universities are unlikely to yield to the calls of disclose and divest.