The evolution of Consciousness is the "raison d'être" for Mankind's arduous journey through the maya of physicality. Just as the Overseers have imbued this Realm with the precise attributes to incubate developing humanity, great luminaries embody at pivotal times to fan the flames of awareness.
The ineradicable imprint left on the Ethers by the Nazarene forged a path for future luminaries
who would stay the course for the larger body of Man.
Secret societies were necessary in the darkest of times to safeguard sacred truths that could only be made available when enough of humanity approached the reintegration of Spirit and matter.
The Rosecrucians were one such order whose lineage included the Compte de St. Germain that laid the foundations for the Theosphical Society and the eventual Anthroposophical teachings of Rudolph Steiner.
Steiner's Anthroposophic movement broke the seal of secrecy, as he admonished Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophists that Man was once again prepared to embrace his prime directive.
Steiner Anthroposophy has enjoyed a resurgence of interest in recent decades, and many are now familiar with the Rudolph Steiner Press audio series. Each episode presentment is a select reading from the eclectic and immense body of Steiner's work brilliantly articulated from what has now become the "voice" of Rudolph Steiner.
On this Alfacast, Dale Brunsvold, "the voice" joins us for an in-depth discussion on the insights and prophetic writings of Steiner, and his many contributions to medicine and agriculture. Dale developed a personal interest in Steiner after years of listening to many recordings, and in February of 2005 was granted permission from the Rudolf Steiner Press in England to record and post the lectures on line.
We know the many Steiner students within the Alfa Vedic Community will eagerly anticipate this episode, while those new to Steiner will be in for a grand treat!
Show links:
/ @rudolfsteinerpressaudio
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Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see.
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