All about the energies and magic of August plus a few August holidays to highlight.
Zodiac Signs + Correspondences:
Crystals: peridot, carnelian
Animals: crow, owl, sturgeon
Flowers: poppy, gladiolus
Deities: Helios, Ra, Aekhmet, Amaterasu
The sun is in Leo until August 22. Leo is a fixed fire sign.
Lion's Gate Portal (8/8)
Moon Phases
August 4: new moon in Leo
August 13: second quarter moon in Scorpio
August 19: full moon in Aquarius
August 26: fourth quarter moon in Gemini
Ancient August Celebrations:
Portunalia (Roman, August 17)
Vinalia Rustica (Roman, August 19)
Consualia (Roman, August 21 and December 15)
Vulcanalia (Roman, August 23)
Hekatombaion (Greek, late July to early August): The first month of the Attic calendar, which included several festivals such as Panathenaea and Hekatombaia.
Akitu (Ancient Mesopotamia, New Year Festival, date varies): Celebrated in honor of the god Marduk, marking the beginning of the agricultural year. The festival occurred twice a year, with the most significant celebration taking place in the spring, but it also had an autumn counterpart that could fall in late July or early August.
Disablót (Norse, date varies, often held in late summer)
August 1: Lammas / Lughnasadh
August 18: Zhongyuan Festival (Chinese, Ghost Festival, date varies in lunar calendar, often falls in August)