Author Gordon Calleja discusses immersion in games, philosophical perspectives, Borges's work, new research methods, player involvement, composite beings, immersion vs. presence, micro-macro terms, hexagonal chart visualization, multiplayer gameplay, and the concept of incorporation in gaming.
Immersion in games involves kinesthetic, spatial, narrative, affective, ludic, and shared involvement.
Player involvement in games is viewed through macro and micro dimensions, capturing longitudinal and moment-to-moment engagement.
Traditional notions of immersion in games are challenged, emphasizing kinesthetic actions, spatial interactions, and narrative engagement.
Ergodicity in gaming explores cognitive demands and strategic efforts required for interactive gameplay.
Incorporation in games highlights how players merge virtual environments into consciousness, creating a sense of habitation.
Deep dives
Examining Gordon Kalea's Book on Immersion
Examining Gordon Kalea's book on immersion from 2011, published with MIT Press, the podcast delves into the intricate relationship between immersion and incorporation in gaming. The hosts explore the concept of immersion by dissecting Marvin Minsky's telepresence idea and Janet Murray's contributions, highlighting the dynamic ways players engage with game systems.
Analyzing Player Involvement Model
The player involvement model proposed by Kalea outlines six dimensions of player involvement in games, offering a holistic view of player interaction. By breaking down involvement into kinesthetic, spatial, narrative, affective, ludic, and shared involvement, the model captures the varied ways players engage with games.
Temporal Phases of Involvement
The temporal phases of player involvement, divided into macro and micro dimensions, shed light on the longitudinal and moment-to-moment aspects of game engagement. Macro involvement encompasses broad reflections while micro involvement focuses on immediate player actions, providing a comprehensive framework for analyzing player experiences.
Dissecting Concepts of Immersion and Presence
Differentiating between immersion as recognition and transportation, the podcast critiques the traditional understanding of immersion in games. It challenges the simplistic notions of realism leading to immersion and delves into the complexities of player involvement through kinesthetic actions, spatial interactions, and narrative engagement.
Exploring Ergodicity and Attention in Games
The discussion extends to the notion of ergodicity in gaming, emphasizing the effort and disposition required for interactive gameplay. Kalea navigates through the concept of spreading attention in real-time strategy games, highlighting the multifaceted cognitive demands involved in managing various in-game elements to achieve strategic goals.
Key Points on Game Studies Book Model
The book discusses the concept of medium specificity in games, highlighting the unique ways games play with various media forms.
Exploration of Narratives in Games
The podcast addresses the distinction between scripted narratives and player-generated narratives, emphasizing the importance of gameplay experiences in shaping player involvement.
Understanding Affective Involvement in Games
The episode delves into the role of affective involvement in games, examining how different game genres evoke emotional responses in players.
Incorporation and Immersion in Game Spaces
The concept of incorporation is explored, highlighting how players absorb virtual environments into consciousness and develop a sense of habitation within game spaces, emphasizing the blending of player and game experiences.