Editors around the globe have been waiting for the highly anticipated book The Chicago Guide to Copyediting Fiction. With more than 500 novels and anthologies under her belt, Amy J. Schneider is a true expert when it comes to copyediting fiction. Amy’s book is a road map and go-to resource to help copyeditors navigate the world of fiction. In this podcast, we discuss the copyediting process for fiction, building your style sheet, and examining the copyeditor’s mindset when approaching the work.
Amy J. Schneider founded Featherschneider Editorial Services in 1995. She copyedits and proofreads scholarly and trade nonfiction and bestselling fiction in a variety of genres for traditional publishers and university presses. Since 2012, she has written articles and presented in-person and online sessions on various editorial topics for regional and national editors' associations.
When Amy is not working in the soft glow of her four-monitor desktop, she enjoys running, singing, and teaching her springer spaniels to do silly tricks (not all at the same time). To learn more about Amy and her company, visit http://www.featherschneider.com.
To purchase your copy of the latest book, visit https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/C/bo183690033.html.
In this episode, we also discuss some upcoming editorial-related events that are virtual and in-person where we can find Amy.
• March 7, join a live Zoom session with Amy on “That Word Chat” hosted by Mark Allen: https://www.markalleneditorial.com/thatwordchat.
• March 22–25, she will be presenting at the ACES Evolve conference in Columbus, Ohio: https://aceseditors.org/conference/aces-2023-columbus/evolve-scheduleofevents
• May 6, Amy will be the keynote speaker at the Red Pencil conference of the Northwest Editor’s Guild in Seattle, Washington: https://www.edsguild.org/red-pencil-2023
• May 8, Amy will be at the Bay Area Editors’ Forum at the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the EFA: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/baef-and-sf-bay-area-efa-present-amy-j-schneider-tickets-560015109267
• June 17–18, she will be at the Editors Canada conference in Toronto: https://www.editors.ca/news/get-inside-scoop-editors-canada-conference-2023
• August 17–19, you can find her at the EFA conference (EFACON 2023) in Alexandria, Virginia: https://www.the-efa.org/event/efa-conference-efacon/
• September 9–11, she will be attending the CIEP annual conference in Glasgow, Scotland: https://www.ciep.uk/networking/conferences/