This week the Brilliant Idiots are back, and Schulz is still trying to recover from Taylor’s Nuke from last episode. Moreover, they first get into a debate of who’s the better player Draymond or Steph Curry after this weeks game, and did you know that its Bishop TD Jakes saying “Listen to the track B**” on Wacka Flocka Song “No Hnads”? Later on in the episode they speak on a museum that Andrew wishes to go to but can’t because of the name. They also get entertained by the most entertaining former president Donald Trump for his comments at his deposition, and Charlamagne expresses he’s unphased by Bill Clinton playing the sax during his prime.
Check out Andrew Schulz
Stream Charlamagne "Hell of a Week" on Paramount+
Check out all the podcast on Charlamagne's "Black Effect Network"
Empty Thoughts Podcast…ow/id1622292632
Check Out "Summer Of 85" on Audible…areTest=TestShare
Podcastbrilliant idiots charlamagne tha godandrew schulz