Micaela Blei becomes friends with a magician and wants more. Anthony Griffith navigates life with his single mom. Stories explore unexpected love and support, a magical connection and boundary struggles, growing up in two worlds, and Anthony's work and performances.
Magic can be found in unexpected places, such as a college romance and a David Copperfield show.
A mother's love has the power to create magic and resilience in a child's life.
Deep dives
A Magical College Love
In this episode, Michaela Bly shares her story of falling in love with a magician during her freshman year of college. The magician, who was not just any magician but a talented one who had won the Junior Magic Olympics and even had a trick used by David Copperfield, seemed perfect to Michaela. They spent three days together, sharing deep connections without actually kissing. But when he finally confesses that he is gay, Michaela chooses to become his pretend girlfriend for a while, hiding the truth from everyone. The story takes an exciting turn when the magician invites Michaela to watch a David Copperfield show, where the climax of the performance involves a magical snowstorm that fills the entire theater. Despite knowing it's just a trick, Michaela feels a sense of beauty and magic in that moment, wanting it to last a little longer.
The Magic of a Mother's Love
Anthony Griffith recounts his childhood experience growing up with an abusive and absent biological father. However, he found solace and fascination in television shows about magic and an iconic sitcom called Good Times that featured a strong and caring father figure. Inspired by his passion for magic, Anthony's devoted mother supported his interest and even went as far as acquiring a straight jacket for him. As Anthony grew older, he faced challenges as a young black man, but he always held onto the hope of reconnecting with his father. Finally, when that long-awaited reunion happens, Anthony realizes that the father figure he has yearned for was his mother all along. He acknowledges the impact of his mother's love and her ability to create a magical and nurturing environment despite the chaos in their lives.
Both Michaela Bly and Anthony Griffith share stories on this episode that highlight the different forms of magic in their lives. Michaela experiences the magic of a college romance and the enchantment of a David Copperfield performance, while Anthony discovers the true magic of a mother's love and the resilience it instilled in him. These stories remind us that magic can be found in unexpected places and that the power of love and connection can create extraordinary moments in our lives.