Discover the essential key scenes every thriller novel needs, from the moment a crime is discovered to the protagonist's confrontation with the antagonist. Learn how to engage readers emotionally and craft a story that delivers the thrill they crave.
Discovering a crime scene serves as the global inciting incident, hinting at a master villain's presence in a thriller novel.
A key scene where stakes become personal for the protagonist solidifies their commitment to outsmart the antagonist.
Deep dives
Discovery of the Crime Scene
In a thriller novel, the discovery of a crime scene serves as the global inciting incident, indicating a master villain's presence. In the movie 'Gone Girl,' Nick discovers his wife Amy missing with overturned furniture, hinting at foul play. This key scene sets the suspenseful tone from the start.
Personal Stakes and Commitment
Thrillers often have a key scene where the stakes become personal for the protagonist, solidifying their commitment to outsmart the antagonist. In 'Gone Girl,' Amy's scavenger hunt for Nick makes the stakes personal, leading him to uncover the truth about their relationship and motivating him to unravel the mystery.
Revelation of Antagonist's Motives
A crucial scene in a thriller involves the protagonist discovering the antagonist's motives, transitioning from a reactive to a proactive stance. In 'Gone Girl,' Nick realizes Amy's plan to frame him, propelling him to take charge and counter her manipulative scheme.
In today's episode, we're going to talk about the key scenes that every thriller novel needs to have in order to work and to satisfy fans of the genre. Here's a preview of what's included:
[01:18] Thrillers combine all the criminality and suspense of a good detective novel with the danger and life and death stakes from the action or horror genre. Usually, these stories center around a protagonist who's focused on stopping a future crime from happening. [01:40] Readers choose thriller novels because they want to experience the thrill of trying to outsmart and stop the villain before he or she commits more crimes -- all from the comfort of their own homes. And like all genre fiction, you have to deliver the emotional experience readers are looking for in order for your story to work. [02:15] Obligatory scenes are the key events, decisions, and discoveries that move a protagonist along their journey from point A to point B. They help us writers craft a story that works AND a story that will deliver a specific emotional experience. [03:55] Key scene #1: A scene where a crime is discovered. [04:45] Key scene #2: A scene where the stakes become personal for the protagonist and they commit to stopping the antagonist. [05:55] Key scene #3: A scene where the protagonist learns what the antagonist wants and why. This scene helps to shift the protagonist from being reactive to proactive and helps them recommit to stopping the antagonist. [06:55] Key scene #4: A scene where the protagonist learns or does something that sets them up to be the antagonist’s final victim. [7:55] Key scene #5: A scene where the protagonist is at the mercy of the antagonist. [8:45] Key scene #6: A scene where readers learn whether justice prevailed or not. [9:45] Key points and episode recap.
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