Learn how to generate REAL passive income through investing in music royalties, dividend-paying ETFs, and selling covered call option contracts. Discover the advantages of SPYI, tax efficiency, and tips for getting started with covered call option contracts. Explore investment strategies for building wealth with $20,000, including Roth IRA, index funds, and treasury bills. Understand the importance of time in the market and the difference in fees between investment options.
By investing in music royalties, dividend-paying ETFs, and selling covered call option contracts, individuals can generate REAL passive income and diversify their investment portfolios to earn money while sleeping.
Music royalties provide an opportunity for affordable investment, with the Shrek music catalog offering shares of their royalties. Dividend-paying ETFs like SCHD and SPYI, as well as selling covered call option contracts, are effective strategies to generate passive income and achieve high returns.
Deep dives
Passive Income Idea 1: Music Royalties
Investing in music royalties allows you to generate passive income as the royalties on popular music trickle in over time. For example, the Shrek music catalog is currently selling shares of their music royalties for $10 each, providing an opportunity for affordable investment. By owning shares in the music, you can expect to receive passive income in the form of dividends. The Shrek music royalties tend to pay out around a 9% annualized dividend, making it a truly passive income opportunity that anyone can diversify their portfolio with.
Passive Income Idea 2: Dividend Paying ETFs
Investing in dividend paying ETFs allows you to generate passive income from stocks that pay dividends. Examples of dividend paying ETFs include SCHD, N-O-B-L, and SPYI. SCHD is a dividend growth ETF, regularly increasing its annual dividend by 7 to 10%. N-O-B-L focuses on consistency in dividend payments. However, SPYI is a high paying passive income dividend ETF that generates over 12% annual distributions through a covered call option contract strategy. It offers monthly passive income and is a tax-efficient way to diversify your portfolio with income in mind.
Passive Income Idea 3: Covered Calls
Covered calls are a more complex strategy, but they offer true passive income with significant upside potential. By owning stocks and selling covered call option contracts, you can generate income from both capital gains and premiums. For example, selling covered calls on specific stocks like so-fi can result in 6 to 7% cash-on-cash returns and even higher returns if the market moves favorably. It is important to understand the strategy and have a long-term investing horizon, but covered calls can be a lucrative passive income strategy with careful execution.
In this episode of the Rich Habits Podcast, Robert Croak and Austin Hankwitz share their three favorite ways to generate REAL passive income.
No, not the passive income you hear about on TikTok through vending machines or laundromats -- we're talking about REAL "make money in your sleep" passive income.
By investing into music royalties, dividend-paying ETFs, and selling covered call option contracts you can begin to inch closer toward thousands per month in REAL passive income.