Most of us have tried to communicate with the dead. Some have succeeded, many have not. BUT just as the relationship of mankind with the visitors is changing, so is our relationship with human consciousness, which includes what we think of as the dead. This week’s guest, Mark Anthony, is working right at the cutting edge of what Anne Strieber calls the Afterlife Revolution, and you need to sit up and take notice!
Mark is an Oxford educated attorney who has practiced before the US Supreme Court–and also a practicing psychic. He brings his analytical skills to his psychic work and in this deep dive into the nature of afterlife contact, he shows how he is breaking new ground in the understanding of the true extent of consciousness in the world, and how we can do the same.
He and Whitley range over topics from a spectacular ghost contact at the Stanley Hotel of Shining fame to a profound interaction with Anne, which takes place DURING the third hour of the show, and which she clearly set up just after Whitley’s 3AM meditation a few hours before. All we’re going to say here is that it involves an invisible leopard and offers Whitley and all of us a wonderful lesson in how to listen to the spirit world.
This deep and delightful show will have you buzzing with eagerness to try out some of the methods that Mark tells about, and goes into in his practical and empowering book.
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