The devil is using open borders to destroy the country And it's against our laws. When you use the word refugee and you're not using the word illegal immigrant, you're not recognizing the frustration. The frustration is we have to follow the laws. They don't. If we get pulled over for a DUI, we rightly go to jail. In separate countries like Washington, Oregon, and California. They don't. In California, people who grew up there are having to flee either economically or culturally to places like Texas economically because they can no longer afford a house. Illegal immigrants are being given $150,000 to purchase houses, and then they don't have to make mortgage payments according to one program. Please, if you are a Christian leader of note and you have an audience, what you say about illegal immigration in relation to the Word of God matters. We will also look at the racism of the WNBA. It is astounding particularly when it comes to Caitlin Clark. They hate white women and it shows. And, does anyone remember what joy feels like?
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