The Superhighway of Life | Mary Ellen Smoot | February 1998
Nov 29, 2023
Exploring the importance of making right choices in life, the impact of family support, and navigating the intersection of spirituality and technology. The struggle between truth and falsehood, seeking God's truth and guidance in life's journey.
Recognize the support of loved ones and the Spirit on life's journey.
Family unity and relationships are vital in navigating life's challenges.
Deep dives
The Importance of Making Right Choices
In her speech, Mary Ellen Smoot emphasizes the significance of making right choices in life, highlighting how small decisions like family and individual prayer, work ethic, honesty, and service to others can shape one's journey on the highway of life. She shares personal anecdotes and emphasizes the importance of seeking blessings from the Lord to guide one's footsteps, leading to a fulfilling and rewarding life.
The Role of Family as the Vehicle of Life
Mary Ellen Smoot discusses the family as the vehicle that travels through life, highlighting the importance of family relationships and unity in navigating life's challenges. She stresses that each family member, including ancestors and future generations, plays a vital role in one's journey. Smoot underscores the necessity of strong family bonds and the critical role families play in Heavenly Father's plan for happiness.
The Guidance of the Holy Ghost and Discerning Truth
Mary Ellen Smoot explores the role of the Holy Ghost in providing visibility and discernment along life's journey. She emphasizes the importance of following promptings of the Spirit, recounting personal experiences where obedience to spiritual guidance made a significant impact. Smoot underscores the need to recognize truth amidst the distractions and temptations of the world, highlighting the power of the Holy Ghost in guiding individuals towards joy and exaltation.
As you travel down the superhighway of life, do not forget to recognize the Spirit, your support system of loved ones, and God as they cheer you on. Click here to view the speech page.