Mónica asks author Chris Arnade how he’s bridged one of the trickiest divides in America by going to parts of the country that others dismiss. Chris shares what he sees differently now and what both our big political “sides” are missing when they claim to fight for the working class. Then we hear from Corrie, a wife and mother who shares what the class divide looks and feels like for someone in her position as she struggles to make ends meet. Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America by Chris Arnade We the People’s Project: An initiative from Braver Angels. We the People’s Project is a working-class coalition of conservatives, progressives, and independents working to build a house united in America. • Submit a question: If you’ve found yourself mulling on a concern or reflection as you’ve listened, turn it into a question and share it with us in a quick email to abraverway@braverangels.org. Mónica and friends will be answering questions on an upcoming episode. • Subscribe: If you like what you’ve heard, hit subscribe, and leave us a 5 star review! • Share this episode: https://braverangels.org/a-braver-way-episode-6/ • Follow us: Instagram | X/ twitter | TikTok | Youtube Supporting Partners: All of our supporting partners are members of Braver Network. • Citizens Climate Lobby: empowers everyday people to work within their communities and members of Congress on climate change solutions.