In this episode, Brian Auten and Chad Gross record with a "live studio audience" and discuss apologetics in parenting as well as engaging with ideas in culture.
2:00 - Question #1 from listener, timeline and suggestions for introducing and teaching kids apologetics. Children's books, Study Bibles, catechisms, Harry Potter and more.
William Lane Craig children's books: Truths for Little Kids Warner Wallace books: Story Short Pleasure of Finding Things Out by Richard Feynman“Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.” ― G.K. Chesterton
The Way of Wisdom by Tim Keller books: The Fallacy Detective, Mama Bear Apologetics, Case for Christ for Kids, Case for Faith for Kids, Cold Case Christianity for Kids, Keeping Your Kids on God's Side, Talking to Kids about Jesus, Talking to Your Kids about God.
19:40 - Using questions when talking about God with kids. "Quarantine" parenting, or "inoculation" parenting.
21:45 - Question #2 from listener. How can Christians engage with ideas in culture? The analogy of apologetics as farming & preparing the soil for planting. Using your sphere of influence. The importance that the church address hard questions. Critical thinking and asking good questions.