Has disappointment ever set in because of something you had to lay down? Are you hesitant to dream big again? Are you finding it difficult to have hope for the future? If you have ever felt lost and wondered how to move forward in your journey after facing the loss of a dream, you’re not alone. If you are overwhelmed or afraid to hear the voice of God, this podcast is for you.
Havilah Cunnington is a podcaster, creative, teaching pastor, wife, mom, and my Bible twin. Today she shares practical handles to help others learn how to hear from God and do big things. At the tender age of 17 she realized she could hear the voice of God. Even though this was a new and scary experience, she decided to develop her ability to help others. We will also talk more about:
Dreaming about big things again
Attributes to a God dream
Markers that point us directly to the purpose of God
Reframing and redefining our pain
Havilah has learned to use her pain to help others on their journey. Take some time to allow yourself to dream again. Your pain is not wasted, give it a purpose. Start your roadmap to an exciting new adventure and DREAM BIG again!
Did you find out what your marker for hearing from God is - Hearer, Seer, Knower or Feeler? Tag @HavilahCunnington and @BiancaOlthoff and let us know what it is.
Love you,
Havilah Cunnington: Website
WGT email: podcast@inthenameoflove.org
Music by: Brad Tsushima, Instagram: @bradtsushima, email: bradtsushima94@aol.com, Spotify: “R.A.D.”