Welcome to Work Rest Slay, the monthly podcast featuring honest interviews with inspirational guests. Work Rest Slay is the place to come to for stories about achievement, burnout, success and inspiration as well as tips to help us strive towards more balanced and fulfilling lives.Episode 3 features Derval O'Rourke, former Olympian and founder of Derval.ie – a supportive online community focused on all things health and wellbeing. In conversation with Melanie Morris, Derval O'Rourke shares the importance of health and wellness, having a backup/ exit strategy, vision boards, being surrounded by the right people, finding joy in the bad days, prioritising delegation and being accountable to yourself.This podcast is sponsored by One Nutrition, an Irish Brand which makes good nutrition easy with a range of supplements to support the demands of daily life. One Nutrition only use ethically sourced, premium pure ingredients with certified quality assurance. Find their colourful and sustainable packs on shelves in your local Health Store, Pharmacy or OneNutrition.ie. Follow them on Instagram at weareonenutrition / instagram.com/weareonenutrition