Michael Merryman-Lotze, an expert on the Gaza Strip and Israeli-Palestinian conflict, joins Brian Hanson to discuss the complex history of Gaza, its role in the conflict, and its place in the Israel-Hamas war. They explore the challenges faced by the Gaza population, the rise and isolation of Hamas, the impact of the blockade and restrictions, and the need for a comprehensive approach to prevent future violence.
The Gaza Strip, a small region in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, has been under an Israeli-imposed blockade for 16 years, resulting in restricted movement and limited access to resources.
Hamas' control over Gaza, coupled with a history of violence and ongoing blockade, has led to a continuous cycle of violence, highlighting the need to address deep-seated injustices to break the cycle.
Deep dives
The Complex History of the Gaza Strip
The Gaza Strip, measuring just 25 miles long and 7 miles wide, has been a significant site of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades. It is home to 2.3 million people living under an Israeli-imposed blockade for the past 16 years, resulting in restricted movement, limited access to resources, and a high unemployment rate. Despite these challenges, the Gaza population remains industrious and educated, with a majority being Palestinian refugees who were displaced in 1948. The region has experienced violence and conflict for years, with regular military incursions and violence from both sides.
The Historical Context: From 1948 to 2005
The Gaza Strip became an area where many Palestinian refugees settled following the 1948 conflict, as it remained under Egyptian control. In 1967, Israel took over the Gaza Strip and established military occupation, beginning a period of conflict and restricted access to resources. The Oslo Accords in 1993 marked a shift in control, giving the Palestinian Authority limited autonomy in certain areas, including Gaza. However, Israel's complete control over Gaza continued, with the withdrawal of settlers in 2005 leading to tighter closure and further restrictions for Palestinians.
Hamas, Israel, and the Cycle of Violence
Hamas emerged as the governing body in Gaza after winning the majority in the 2006 elections. However, its control over Gaza led to international sanctions and isolation. The conflict between Hamas and the rival party Fatah in 2007 resulted in Hamas' complete control over Gaza, while Fatah retained control over the West Bank. Security concerns on both sides, coupled with a history of violence and ongoing blockade, have fueled a continuous cycle of violence. Efforts to engage with Hamas have been rejected, and the need to address deep-seated injustices, such as the blockade, is crucial to breaking the cycle of violence.
Deep Dish delves into the heart of the Gaza Strip. Expert Michael Merryman-Lotze and host Brian Hanson discuss its complex history, its people, the role of the region in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and its place in the Israel-Hamas war that has shaken the world.