This week we're looking beyond the press release for dexamethasone, the long awaited review of antibody testing, and how well people are recovering after surviving acute covid-19.
(2.36) The preprint for dexamethasone is finally out - considerably after the press release. Carl digs into it to find out how good the news actually is.
(8.49) There are a couple of newly published systematic reviews on antibody testing, so we return to our testing guru Jon Deeks - professor of biostatistics at the University of Birmingham to give us an update.
(23.52)Covid-19, it became apparent as the pandemic grew, was more than a respiratory disease - there are systemic effects on almost all organs. As people are recovering from the worst ravages of the disease, the long term consequences of those effects are becoming more clear - Lynne Turner-Stokes, professor of rehabilitation medicine at King's College London.
Reading list;
Effect of Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: Preliminary Report
Cochrane review of antibody tests for covid-19
DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013652
British society of rehabilitation medicine guidelines for rehab after covid-19.