Now That You're Awake in the Shimmer, What Will You Do?
May 2, 2024
Exploring the modern mythic symbol of the Shimmer as the internet, its impact on mental health, attention dynamics, and the transformative power of intentional internet use. Delving into the rise of social media and its effects on society, with a focus on conscious artistry and navigating technology for a more connected future.
The Shimmer symbolizes the internet, inducing various effects like self-harm and genetic mutations.
The rapid spread of memes on the internet parallels the Shimmer's refraction effect, impacting societal narratives.
Deep dives
The Emergence of a Hyper-Object and the Collective Unconscious
A hyper-object emerged from a portal opened in 1983, surpassing current comprehension. Just as the unconscious creates dreams to explain anomalies, the collective unconscious forms myths to understand cultural anomalies. 'Annihilation' by Jeff Vandermeer, inspired by a dream, symbolizes humanity's encounter with the portal's contents.
The Living Myth of the Shimmer and Its Characteristics
The Shimmer in 'Annihilation' symbolizes the internet, surpassing simplistic understanding. It induces self-harm, amnesia, genetic mutations, and absorption of human genetic material in the movie. These effects reflect real-world trends such as increased mental disorders in pre-teens and rising political polarization.
The Refraction Effect and Memetic Evolution
The Shimmer's refraction effect parallels the rapid spread of memes on the internet. Memes, like genes, evolve and mutate swiftly, impacting societal narratives. Unconscious internet usage disseminates fear-inducing memes, but intentional use can propagate positive ideas and skills.
The Crawler and Humanity's Metamorphosis in the Shimmer
The creature in the Shimmer, 'the Crawler', symbolizes humanity's transformation. The Shimmer represents a catalytic force triggering societal change analogized to a caterpillar's metamorphosis into a butterfly. Intentional and artistic use of the internet may shape a positive evolutionary path for humanity's future.