Joy Dolo, host of Forever Ago and debater on Smash Boom Best, will be performing live with actor and comedian Brant Miller in two epic smackdowns. They discuss the Smarty Pass and announce the upcoming live event, inviting the audience to attend and offering discounts for Smarty Pass subscribers.
The podcast introduces the Smarty Pass, a special pass that provides ad-free versions of their shows like Smash Boom Best, ForeverGo, and BrainsOn, along with exclusive bonus episodes and discounts on events and merch.
The podcast host will be engaging in two epic Smash Boom Smackdowns with actor and comedian, Brant Miller, at the Parkway Theatre in Minneapolis, and Smartypast subscribers can avail of a discount on tickets to the event.
Deep dives
Get ad-free versions and more with the Smarty Pass
The podcast introduces the Smarty Pass, a special pass that provides ad-free versions of their shows like Smash Boom Best, ForeverGo, and BrainsOn. In addition to ad-free content, subscribers also gain access to exclusive bonus episodes and discounts on events and merch. The podcast encourages listeners to sign up at to support the BrainsOn universe and unlock the possibility of a virtual party for Smarty Pass subscribers with 300 sign-ups in February.
Experience Smash Boom Best Live and get a discount with the Smarty Pass
The podcast host, a regular debater on Smash Boom Best, announces a live performance at the Parkway Theatre in Minneapolis. The host will be engaging in two epic Smash Boom Smackdowns with actor and comedian, Brant Miller. Smartypast subscribers can avail of a discount on tickets to the event and will have the opportunity to judge the debate. The host encourages the audience to visit Smash or use the ticket link in the podcast description to get their tickets and support the host in this exciting event.
The Smarty Pass and Smash Boom Best Live Announcement
You know Joy Dolo as your favorite ever host of Forever Ago, but she's also a debater on our sister podcast Smash Boom Best. And we're really excited to let you know that on Sunday, July 23rd she'll be performing in Smash Boom Best LIVE at the Parkway Theater in Minneapolis.
She'll be duking it out with actor and comedian Brant Miller in not one, but TWO smash boom smackdowns of epic proportions – topics top secret! Plus! If you subscribe to our Smarty Pass you can get a discount on tickets.