Rebels Talk (Part 16) | Final Maul vs Obi Wan Duel - Chosen One, What? | Thrawns Endgame on Atollon
Aug 20, 2023
In this podcast, the hosts discuss the thrilling final duel between Obi-Wan and Maul, the gifted abilities of Luke and Leia, and Thrawn's fight and ship design. They also explore fan commitment, Jar Jar love, and the rebellion's decision-making. Annoyances and ratings are shared, and plans for a midnight premiere and live Twitter event for the upcoming season four are revealed.
The final Maul vs Obi-Wan duel reveals Obi-Wan's intention to protect the chosen one, Luke Skywalker.
The lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Maul underscores their shared history and Obi-Wan's victory in protecting Luke's destiny.
The final episodes of Star Wars Rebels deliver a captivating conclusion, exploring themes of redemption, sacrifice, and protecting the chosen one.
Thrawn's calculated tactics and the enigmatic nature of the Bendu contribute to the intense and unpredictable finale.
Deep dives
Ezra and Chopper sneak away to Tatooine to save Obi-Wan from Maul
After receiving a holochron message, Ezra and Chopper secretly travel to Tatooine in an attempt to save Obi-Wan Kenobi from Maul's clutches. However, their ship is destroyed and they are left stranded in the desert. Guided by the holochron, Ezra and Chopper search for Kenobi, but Ezra is haunted by visions of Maul. Finally, they are rescued by Kenobi and Ezra pleads with him to help the rebellion. Kenobi refuses, stating that the rebellion already possesses what it needs. As Maul finds them, Kenobi sends Ezra and Chopper to safety while facing off against Maul in a duel. Kenobi emerges victorious, but with Maul's last words, he reveals that he is protecting the chosen one. The episode ends with Kenobi watching over a young Luke Skywalker.
Obi-Wan's quiet life on Tatooine and his realization of Maul's intentions
Throughout the final episodes, it is revealed that Obi-Wan has been living a quiet life on Tatooine, meditating on the force and keeping watch over Luke from a distance. When Maul arrives, Obi-Wan realizes that he seeks revenge and the struggle to kill him, leading to a fateful duel. Obi-Wan successfully defeats Maul while revealing his intentions to protect the chosen one, Luke Skywalker. Maul's dying words reveal to Obi-Wan that he is keeping watch over the prophecy.
The quick and meaningful lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Maul
The lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Maul is short but loaded with meaning. It showcases Maul's persistent desire for revenge and Obi-Wan's intention to protect the chosen one. The fight is brief but full of significance, as Obi-Wan's defensive stance mirroring that of his fallen master, Qui-Gon Jinn, leads to Maul's defeat. The duel underscores the emotional weight of their shared history and Obi-Wan's ultimate victory in protecting Luke's destiny.
Conclusion: A gripping and poignant finale to season three
The final episodes of season three of Star Wars Rebels deliver a gripping and poignant conclusion. Featuring the rescue mission to Tatooine, Obi-Wan's quiet life, and the intense lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Maul, these episodes showcase the depth and emotion of the characters. The story explores themes of redemption, sacrifice, and the significance of protecting the chosen one. With stunning visuals and powerful storytelling, this finale leaves a lasting impact on viewers.
Rebel forces prepare for an attack on Lothal
In the finale of season three, rebel forces gather at Adlon to prepare for an attack on Lothal. However, they are unaware that Thrawn knows their plans and has set a trap for them. Thrawn captures Agent Kallus who had tried to warn the rebels, and Thrawn's fleet, including two interdictor cruisers, prevents the rebels from escaping. Commander Sato sacrifices himself to create an opportunity for Ezra to escape. Meanwhile, Kanan seeks help from the Bendu, a neutral force-wielder. As the rebels face defeat, Ezra contacts Mon Mothma for reinforcements, but they are unable to help. With no other options, Ezra convinces Sabine to lead a Mandalorian force to destroy the interdictor cruiser. The Bendu intervenes, attacking the Imperial forces and distracting them, allowing the rebels to evacuate. Thrawn's fate is predicted by the Bendu, but Thrawn refuses to believe it and confronts the Bendu, resulting in the Bendu's disappearance. The remaining rebel fleet regroups on Yavin IV, and Ezra expresses concern over their defeat, but Kanan assures him that their fight for freedom is not over.
The enigmatic Bendu
The Bendu is a neutral force-wielder who does not take sides between the dark and light. It exists beyond human intentions and represents something immaterial and greater than all. The Bendu's goal is not to solve the problems of others, but to guide them in the right direction. In the finale, the Bendu takes on an elemental form of a storm, highlighting its mystical and powerful nature.
Thrawn's calculated tactics and defeat
Thrawn's victories come through his calculated tactics and deduction. He represents an intellectual and dangerous villain. However, the Bendu predicts his defeat, warning him of an impending demise, symbolized by being surrounded by many arms in a cold embrace. Thrawn dismisses the warning but is left uncertain of its true meaning.