#158 – A clash of wills in a Young Earth Creationist school system
Jun 7, 2024
A clash between Evolution and Creationism in Evangelical education system. Discussion on the persistence of Young Earth Creationism in Christianity. Insights from a former Evangelical professor. Challenges of teaching Christian worldview and evolution. Navigating conversations about Creationism respectfully. Examining prophecy in Isaiah and Matthew. Upcoming projects in biblical studies education.
Young Earth Creationism remains influential within Evangelicalism, shaping education and belief systems.
Many individuals leave Christianity due to conflicts between YECist worldview and modern perspectives.
Educators in Christian schools face challenges reconciling academic scholarship with conservative beliefs.
Deep dives
The Purpose of Recovering Evangelicals Podcast
The podcast delves into questioning, presenting arguments for and against various ideas, aiming to change listeners' perspectives. By inviting guests to share their stories, the podcast explores the impact of young earth creationism on individuals' faith and education.
The Influence of Young Earth Creationism
The podcast spotlights young earth creationism, detailing its origins in the Bible and church tradition. It highlights the struggles individuals face when reconciling this belief with scientific understanding, leading to implications on faith and personal journeys.
Challenges and Controversies in Education
The episode discusses the challenges faced by educators teaching biblical studies in Christian schools. It addresses the clash between academic scholarship and popular conservative beliefs, emphasizing the need for accessible and relevant education in these settings.
Journey of Faith and Understanding
The podcast presents personal narratives of individuals like Joel, who navigated questions of faith and biblical interpretation. It showcases the importance of understanding biblical texts within their historical and literary contexts, offering a nuanced approach to interpreting religious teachings.
Fostering Dialogue and Progress
By engaging in discussions on controversial topics like creationism, the podcast encourages respectful dialogue and critical thinking. It advocates for bridging the gap between academic scholarship and lay understanding, promoting informed and compassionate conversations within the evangelical community.
Sparks fly when a Greek Orthodox evolution-accepting professor comes up against an Evangelical school headmaster bent on bringing in a Young Earth Creationist curriculum
Why are we doing yet another episode on Young Earth Creationism? The biggest reason is because it’s still a very potent ideology in Christianity, especially within Evangelicalism. YECist parents and YECist school systems do their best to instill this ideology into young impressionable minds, and the cycle repeats. It’s a self-propagating problem which manifests in many ways throughout society: Pew Research tell us that roughly a third of American adults believe that humans have existed in their present form from the beginning of time (and many of them further believe that humans co-existed with the dinosaurs). And a large number of people who leave Christianity (all too often shortly after they reach college/university) do so because a YECist worldview just wasn’t working for them in a 21st century world, and they aren’t aware that many other strands of Christianity do not require that short-sighted worldview.
This week, we talk to someone who has a unique perspective on YECist education. Dr. Joel Anderson grew up in a very Evangelical world, and obtained two university degrees at very Evangelical institutions before going on to teach at the high school and college levels in very Evangelical schools. But during those post-secondary years, he was developing his own theological worldview, reading from Anglican, Catholic, and Greek Orthodox sources. Eventually, he found that he was most comfortable with the Greek Orthodox expression of Christian faith. And also quite comfortable with the Theory of Evolution. For years, he taught in Evangelical schools in the south west USA. Until a new school headmaster arrived, one who was deeply committed not just to YECism in general, but also to all things Ken Ham. This is the part of his story that we have much to learn from:
at Regent College, he was exposed to a less literal, more symbolic/metaphorical view of the book of Revelation, and its literary parallels with the first eleven chapters of Genesis; this inspired him to develop new curricula for teaching high school students
his first teaching position in California: developed a World View course/program, and another course which unpacked what he’d learned about Revelation and Gen 1-11; these courses were generally well received by the students
got Masters degree in Old Testament studies at Trinity Western
started teaching at a school in Arkansas: delivered the same courses mentioned above, but these were less well received here… he was forced to leave
was recruited to another school in Alabama: those same courses worked reasonably well for several years
then a new headmaster was hired who insisted on eliminating any and all challenges to Young Earth Creationism, and bringing in curriculum that was created by Answers-in-Genesis and Bob Jones University; sparks fly; toxic relationship; was essentially forced to quit
adjunct teaching position at U. of Alabama, then moved back to Arkansas
the main drive in Ken Ham’s work is not so much a literal Gen 1-11 or to understand science better, but to fight the culture war (modern views on sexuality, abortion, etc.) against secular liberals
we talked briefly about other academics who were forced out by YECist revisionist administrations (Peter Enns is one that our listeners will recognize) … this is how the YECist world works!?
Theory of Evolution is viewed as equivalent to atheism
the doctrine of inerrancy is also a major problem
Joel’s book: The Heresy of Ham: what every evangelical needs to know about the Creation-Evolution controversy and what we can all learn about rigid ideology and fighting the culture war
for whom was he writing … what is the purpose of the book?
linking of Evangelical faith with politics ….. culture wars
many parts of his book resonate closely with what we heard from Dr. Mark Noll last week (“The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind“)
what advice did he have for how we should interact with family, friends, co-workers, neighbours who are YECist?
If you enjoyed this episode, you may also like a similar conversation we had with Paul Enns (host of the YouTube channel Paulogia). You can also peruse our thematic collection of episodes on YECism, including personal stories and analytical deep dives.
Episode image used by permission.
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