Exploring the aftermath of conquest in England, including unrest, revolts, and internal struggles. William's meticulous efforts in rewriting history through the Doomsday Book and consolidating power. Edgar's rebellion and quest for the English throne in a crisis-torn kingdom.
The division within the papacy during the late 11th century highlighted political and power struggles in Europe.
Severe weather, famine, and social tensions in England after 1086 showcased the impact of agrarian challenges on different social classes.
Deep dives
The Schism of the Papacy: Gregory VII's Death and the Rise of Two Popes
Pope Gregory VII's death in 1085 led to the lifting of excommunications, except for Emperor Henry and anti-Pope Clement III. This event resulted in the presence of two rival popes in Europe from 1086. While Victor III was chosen as Gregory's successor, Clement III continued to exert influence. This division within the papacy highlighted the political and power struggles of the time.
Famine and Social Unrest in England
England faced severe weather patterns and widespread famine in 1086. The agrarian society suffered from crop failures, leading to food scarcity and malnutrition. The impacts of famine went beyond starvation, affecting communities with increased stress and susceptibility to diseases. The nobles were shielded from the famine's worst effects, exacerbating tensions between different social classes.
William's Rule and Consequences of the Doomsday Book
William focused on consolidating his rule by addressing threats internally and externally. The compilation of the Doomsday Book served both as a census and propaganda tool to establish William's authority and track land ownership. Through a gathering at Salisbury in 1086, William reinforced his power by making landowners swear oaths of loyalty, indicating a shift towards norman governance.
If the last few episodes have seemed a little confusing, then you’re hearing them right. Europe at the end of the 11th century was a rapidly changing world and it is all going to have a profound impact on the history of Britain. I want you to really have a good understanding of what is […]