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Why Dave Decided to Talk About Cruising with a Rocket Scientist:
Though Dave is usually opposed to sharing stuff shared in the 2 Comma Club X Mastermind, he’s willing to break this one rule today purely because of the value that he feels need to be shared. Learn why Dave thinks that proper goal setting really lies within setting realistic goals that can be achieved yet push you. And of course listen in to how crucial it is to assume the identity of the person who would accomplish the goals you have already set. We’re taking this podcast out of this world with the content provided so strap into your vehicle to out of this world success, take your protein pills or Ketones, and listen in.
Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business:
(3:36) Your Result Goals vs. Your Process Goals
(8:02) What Process Goals Would Help Your Business or Just Yourself?
(10:24) Dave’s Self-Established Rock Bottom
(16:06) YOUR Identity
(17:03) James the Drummer
(20:31) What’s the Importance of Assuming an Identity?
(23:46) According to Dave, This is the Main Reason You Have a Coach
(25:42) Steven Larsen is the FunnelHacker version of Babe Ruth, call your homerun
Quotable Moments:
(4:06) “You need to make sure you’re setting goals that can be met. And, ideally, you need to be setting goals that can be reached by August or September
(8:01) “The Process Goals are the goals that actually make things happen.”
(20:46) “The importance, when you’re setting goals, of assuming an identity. What you’re going to find is identity shapes behavior and your behavior is what’s going to shape the outcome.”
Other Tidbits:
Your goals, if un-hit can hurt your esteem more than fill you with drive. Balance is key.
Your Result Goal can be to just become normal, whatever that may mean to you.
Dave has an illness known as *drum roll please* No-Rhythm-itis.
Put on that identity like you’re Bruce Wayne putting on the Batman cowl and step into your dream.
Important Episode Links:
Speaker 1: 00:00 Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here is your host, Dave Woodward.
Speaker 2: 00:17 Welcome back to funnel hacker radio. Everybody. This is going to be a fun episode. I just got back from our two comma club x cruise. That was crazy fun. It was, I think we had like 350 people on this thing and ended up leaving out of Miami, going to Miami down like two and a half days down to the British Virgin Islands. Uh, spend some time there, a little beach and Tortola next day. We were in St Thomas a day or so on the ocean and coming back and then spent the day at, at NASA. Actually Atlantis. It was really fun for me this time. I actually had the opportunity be being there with my wife and then my two youngest boys, Christian and Jackson. And the part I guess I was so impressed with was the networking that took place on the cruise and just the, the openness and the friendships and really the family that was felt by all of the members are two Comma Club coaching program is really a fun, fun experience.
Speaker 2: 01:12 We ended up each day having a starting off any, any of the days we were actually at sea. We'd start off with a mastermind and the very first one was kicked off by Mr James P friel. I, I've had on my podcast a couple of times, a dear friend of mine, Guy who's just a very, very systems oriented. And it was great to hear from him. It's one of the main reasons I. I'm basically labeling this as far as, you know, secret from a rocket science I learned on a cruise ship because James P friel is a rocket scientist. Yes. Actually what, that's where you went to school for and ended up working in aeronautics and all that kind of stuff. But the part that I found super fascinating to me is I was looking at, uh, at the people, he was basically in our, in our two comma, x coaching program programs.
Speaker 2: 01:56 He was in there talking to them, just how engaged they were with what he was discussing. And in fact, you know, what I need. I typically never really share a lot of the things that we talked about. Our Two Comma Club coaching program because people paid $18,000 to belong to it. But I really wanted to make sure that you got this piece. And so I took some notes and I'm just going to kind of go through some of the things that he taught because it was really fun because it was the beginning of the new year. And so it was all about goals. Now understand I, I've always been a huge goal setter and there's a lot of different things people say about goals that I'm. I'm not a huge believer in a lot of the things that people talk about. But the things that James is going through, I thought were really unique and set in a way that that would last more than just the month.
Speaker 2: 02:50 And so I want to kind of go through these things. Some of them you'll say, yeah, I already know that. I'm sure that a couple of, no, I really want to make sure you spend some time on and, and use in your life, especially here at the beginning of the year. I don't know where you are in your business, where you are in your personal life, your with your finances, your relationships, your spiritual, all of the kinds of different types, types of things you could be setting goals in. But I want you to kind of listen in and take some notes as to those things that might actually help you. Uh, you're probably going to be receiving this podcast towards the end of January, first part of February were a lot of people have already. Whatever goals they had, they've now forgotten about them when they're on to something new. So what that said, some of the things that we talked about was two different types of goals and one of the things you're gonna have are going to be results, goals, and the other type thing.
Speaker 2: 03:41 You're going gonna have our process goals. Now, results goals are typically those things that most people set a, I'm going to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year. I'm going to be a millionaire by the end of the year. Uh, you know, they're these huge beehag is these big hairy audacious goals that people set. And I, I've learned this actually from Alex Charfen and that was anytime you're setting the goal, especially as a leader and a manager working with a team, you need to make sure that you're setting goals that actually can be met. And ideally they can be met by August or September. And I know a lot of people go, well, that's not your set, your standard too low. That's not the case. If you take a look at, at human behavior and what motivates people, there's nothing more frustrating than setting a goal time and time and time again.
Speaker 2: 04:30 And never ever hitting it. Um, I, I've seen this take place a lot, especially in, in business where a manager will set a goal for somebody. First of all, it's a matter of setting a goal. It's not the team setting the goal so they don't have as much ownership in it. So first of all, if you're working as a manager or as a leader or the strategies in your company and you're looking at setting goals, make sure that the people who you're setting the goals with, they have buy in into it. Meaning that's something they believe in, that they've said that they, something they as a team have come up with. Um, I can tell you that. So take for example, I'll give you current lured to seven, just over 70,000 customers. I would love for our goal to be that we were going to double our customers by next year.
Speaker 2: 05:18 Now, as much as I would love to see that happen, the reality of that actually happening due to a whole bunch of factors that come into play is pretty, pretty tough. Could it happen? Sure it could happen. But the chances of it realistically happened are super, super slim. So during our partner meeting we had, back in December, we were having this conversation of what are the things that are that our employees, we've got over 250 people working now at click funnels and I wanted to make sure there was some of they got behind that they felt ownership in that they understood the impact that their job has on every single one of our customers. And so with that, uh, with our, we set the goal at 100,000 and Russell was like, I think we definitely would be able to do 100,000 again, realize hundred thousand dollars, almost a 50 percent increase, which is a huge, huge increase.
Speaker 2: 06:10 And but we said, you know, what do we know confidently that we can make sure we actually hit. That is still a pretty big stretch. Well 25 percent increase would be almost 15,000 more people, which again, is a massive, massive goal. Twenty five, 25 percent. Adding that to your customers at the level we're at right now, that is a lot of customers. But that's where we thought, you know what, realistically I know for sure we can add an additional 15,000 customers between now and the end of the year, but more importantly, I believe that we can actually have that we can hit 85,000 customers by August or September, October. The reason that's so important is we want to make sure that as we go out to are the people who work for us and with us, that when they buy into that goal, they understand they actually have an impact on the lives of 85,000 people as they pick up it, as they respond to any of the emails or the tickets are there, talk on the phone, whatever that what they're doing matters.
Speaker 2: 07:11 And so for us, even though a huge beehag gold be 150,000 customers and even a large goal would be 100,000 customers, but a really attainable stretch goal for us still is 85,000. And that's kind of where. That's exactly what we're setting our goal. Now. Again, that's more of a results goal. The key here is anytime you're looking at goals, you're going to have results, goals, where it's, you know, this is the end result, but the result goal does you no good, and this is where most people screw stuff up is they forget to set the process goals and the process goals are the ones that you need to do on a, on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Those are the goals that they may not be as fun and exciting and as you're talking to people about it, getting all whole bunch of energy and excitement behind it, but the process goals are the goals that actually make things happen.
Speaker 2: 08:05 And so, um, some of the process goals that we're looking at is reducing churn. We're looking at increasing our revenue per customer. We're looking at some of the process goals of being able to identify what are the, what are the three to five things that a person who's getting started with clickfunnels. If they do those three to five things, they're going to have success. So what is the, what in your. Some of the process goals we're looking at is what are the things in the success journey that needs to take place for our customers and then what we will then end up setting process goals behind how do we actually make those things become more attainable and realistic for our customers. So realize when you're setting goals, you're typically gonna have results goal, but the most important goals you have to start setting and those are going to be your habits or your process goals.
Speaker 2: 08:53 So please, as you start taking a look at this year, you probably set a whole bunch of results goals. Now the next step is what are the process goals that you need to set a take? For example, a lot of you guys know I've been listening to as a thing I've struggled with the most, is being consistent in working out and I don't really have a results goal with regard to a weights I'm trying to lift or body percent fat. Really, the results goal was for me to just get healthy and healthy for me is as weird as it sounds at this time. Last year, January second of last year, I was under the knife on a surgeons in operating table, uh, getting my back fixed. And so for me, I, last year was a huge recovery year. I wasn't able to last December I was living in a wheelchair, being pushed around a Thanksgiving point at a Christmas lights festival. And I remember the pain of that moment for me was probably the most intense thing I've experienced a long time because I remember as a kid, I don't know why I'm going into this direction with you guys, but I'm, I am so as a child, I at the age of have to end up
Speaker 2: 10:16 getting an illness, a encephalitis, basically red water on my brain. And I ended up not being able to walk. And I ended up having seizures for quite a few years in my childhood where, uh, the age of basically of three, I ended up having to learn how to walk and to talk and to, and to do everything all over. And because of that, my early childhood, I was always the last kid picked on the, on the football team or the kickball team or whatever type of thing it was. And, and because of that, my mom was so concerned about sports that I wasn't able to play any sports growing up until I got into high school. And then high school I don't think it did, was, was able to run, um, but I remember the pain
Speaker 3: 11:02 of,
Speaker 2: 11:04 of not being able to walk as a child and of having to take medication to avoid the seizures and, and feeling so different and have, have been in a situation to where I wasn't like everybody else. And I remember last Christmas when I was
Speaker 2: 11:24 in a wheelchair, being pushed around on a, uh, through the park, watching the lights thinking, oh my gosh, am I going back to that again? Am I not going to be able to walk? And so for me this year was all about regaining feeling in my feet. What had happened was I had dropped foot and I couldn't control my feet. That basically just kept flopping down. I had neuropathy in my feet and I couldn't feel the bottoms of my feet. So for me, um, the results goal was I wanted to be able to walk without, without a limp, without dragging my feet and I want it to be able to have feeling in my feet and I want to balance. And again, I know those things may sound completely like, oh my Gosh, David, those are so minor. But for me, they were huge last year. And so sorry for going in that whole emotional story for me, that results go last year.
Speaker 2: 12:21 What I wanted more than anything else, uh, was I wanted to really become normal again. As weird as that might sound. And so the process goals was why I ended up hiring a coach because after the surgery, everything else I tried working out and I tried doing different things, but I, I wasn't doing things consistently and I wasn't getting the recovery fast enough. And it wasn't until August where I started working out with Eric on a regular basis that I started seeing that. And so for me, the process goals was to work out to lift at least twice a week with a trainer and ideally three times a week and to start walking and that's all it was. As basic as that sounds. So fast forward towards the end of the year, I now have, I have all the feeling in my feet back. I am able to walk without a limp.
Speaker 2: 13:11 I actually am feeling amazing and I am so I think my father and having all the time for the blessing of health, um, for me though, I ended up the, one of the results goal I ended up setting in and got all my family and kids involved was we're going to spartan race in June, in June. Uh, one of the things I hate right now is, is running and cardio is just not one of the things I enjoy, but I need to do it. And so that was the whole reason why I've said that. So now my process goals now associated with getting in shape for a spartan race, I'm going to continue doing the lifting the two to three times a week as far as lifting, but now it's a matter of setting a goal of doing cardio three times a week, minimum of a half hour, and instead in that.
Speaker 2: 13:55 So my whole folks in in, I just want to make sure you understand when you're setting, don't just set results. Goals. The key here is the process. Goals are what actually make things happen. The other thing James just talking about was what exactly is a habit? And you know, people will go back and forth as far as habits are, you know, they got it takes 21 days, make a habit. I'm not talking about that. What I'm talking about is what actually is a habit. And if you take a look at the actual, what a habit is, the habit is the smallest unit of a thing that you can do without fail. Uh, so for me right now a habit. So it was a process and now that process to become a habit, now a habit that I have is I will work out at least twice a week with, with a trainer at 5:00 in the morning on Mondays and 6:00 in the morning on Wednesdays and I'll try to make sure we, um, 6:00 on Tuesdays and I'm always trying to get that third day and on Thursdays that literally has become a habit and do it realistically without fail.
Speaker 2: 14:54 And it is literally the smallest unit of a thing that I can do without fail. The next habit that I'm trying to establish is, is 10,000 steps every single day where I literally, no matter what happens, I get 10,000 steps a. As I'm recording this podcast, I actually have three different metrics on my body right now that I'm tracking. I've got a Fitbit, a, I have a woop and I just got the aura ring and yesterday and I'm, I'm literally split testing the three different things. My wife was like, what in the world are you wearing? Well, I'm wearing those. See which one I liked the most? And which one gets me the best results in which I can track and get the units, the smallest unit of a thing that I can do without fail. So realize you start the year off, we're gonna set results goals, then you're going to set process goals, and then those process goals.
Speaker 2: 15:44 The idea is to have those process goals become habits toward those habits are the smallest unit of a thing that you can do without fail. Now that's typically what most people talk about when it comes to setting goals and habits and all that kinds of stuff. The next thing is the one thing that James mentioned I really hadn't thought that much about, but it's the one thing that makes all of the difference. And this one thing is that identity. And if you take a look at, at what we've built inside of clickfunnels, one of the things we talk a lot about is becoming a funnel hacker. And it's ironic to me, uh, we started this thing almost by actually it was members of our culture that kind of started, that we have now adopted. And that is is really just becoming a funnel hacker. We have tee shirts about becoming a funnel hacker.
Speaker 2: 16:32 It's our event is actually patterned out to that funnel hacking live and there is an actual identity of a funnel hacker. And what people actually do as a funnel hacker. Well one of the things they do is they funnel hack. Nothing they do is they use click funnels. Nothing they ended up doing is there. They've got goals set to hit the two comma club to hit our eight, figuring out to do all the different things that funnel hackers do. Now, the only reason I mentioned this is Jane's probably said it best and that was the way this whole identity thing came about. He really, he never had. He. I can totally relate to them on this. Never had any ability to follow a beat and to dance or to have musical talents or anything at all. Which is again, one of my biggest struggles with my wife because she would love to go dancing, but I suck at dancing.
Speaker 2: 17:24 I can't carry a beat. I can't dance again saying it's just not. One of the things I'm good at, but the part I connected with on James was a. He was saying, they're saying, you know, I want it to become a drummer. He says, I was sitting there and my condo on the beach in Florida and was listening to some music and thought that's what I want. I want to become a drummer, and so he literally took on the identity of saying, I am a drummer, I am a funnel hacker, I am a runner, I am a. whatever that is. You have to assume that identity and the assumption of that identity then leads to things that you actually begin to do and it actually ends up shaping your behavior. The behavior that it got shaped for James was, as soon as he said he was a drummer, well, the very first things that drummers do or have is they have a drum set.
Speaker 2: 18:15 So as a drummer, as soon as he took on that identity, the very first thing he did was he went online and bought a drum set. Again, he's in a condo. He's sitting there thinking, you know what? My neighbors are probably going to kill me if I've got a huge drum set and I'm playing it in and all they're hearing is me trying is beating the crap out of a snare drum and and all the symbols and all that kind of stuff. So he thought, I'll get electric jumps set that way. I they won't hear it, but I will. I will become a drummer and I'll be amazing at it. And so from that he then ordered a huge drum set and as it arrived you gotta was like, James, what in the world is this? He's like, this year is, I'm a drummer, Jada. I'm a drummer.
Speaker 2: 19:00 She's like, you are not a drummer, you've never played the drums. It's like, no, I am a drummer, and just the identity of itself shaped what happened next. So first thing that happened was he bought a drum set. Well, soon as the drum set arrived, he realized there was, you have to plug things into amps, into keyboard all and and to do your computer. It's like, well, I didn't have that. So instead of waiting for it to come, he then got in his car and drove to the nearest music store and at the nearest music store said, you know what, Hey, what do I need? And they said, well, this is what you need. So they went to the back and he didn't purchase whatever he needed and at that time he, he then turned to the guy, said, well, what else would I need?
Speaker 2: 19:42 I've. He says, I've never played the drums before. And I said, well, you might actually want to take a lesson. And so he said, well, how soon can I get the lessons? I'm a drummer. I want to get started right now. I want to start. So you looked down his list and it happened at that time that there had been a cancellation of the, of the teacher basically there who is the drumming instructor. And he said, you know, you literally can get in in the next hour. So he came back within the next hour and sat down for his first lesson and went through it. And the very first thing that the the guy who basically was his teacher or coach says, you don't, you might actually want to consider getting a different instrument. He said, drumming really isn't. You don't have the coordination for drumming. He goes, no, I am a drummer.
Speaker 2: 20:25 I am a drummer. And so because of that, he then focus all of his time on lily doing just tapping one at a time just trying to find that beat. And it took a ton of time, but now he actually is a drummer. He's continued down that road and he actually is a drummer. And so I thought so much about that I the importance when you're setting goals of assuming an identity because what you're going to find his identity, shapes, behavior, and your behavior is what's going to shape all the outcomes because your behavior is going to be based on the process goals that we just talked about. So I want to make sure that when you start looking at goals, there's results. Goals, there are process goals, process goals become habits. The one piece that most people screw up is they never ever assume the identity.
Speaker 2: 21:12 Now what do I mean by assuming the identity? One is by first of all, identifying who is the person you want to become like. Again, this goes back to a lot of Tony robins things as far as modeling, but what you want to then do is you want to study those people on a regular basis. You might want to study one person a month who is that identity and find a different person every single month and find out what do they do? What are the habits they have, what are the process they do? What are the goals that they've set, and you literally go through and as a rocket scientist, break it down, step by step into the most my noodle, tiniest little units that you can do without fail. That's what it means to assume an identity and the more that you spend time studying that process, the greater the chances are of your becoming that the best way of doing it then is to actually hire a coach who then actually will help you become that person.
Speaker 2: 22:10 Because the coach is going to be able to help you overcome all the mishaps and things that you don't see. You have to understand that it's just human nature to get really frustrated because so often what happens is we always look at the horizon, those, the goals out there. That's where we want to get to and get. The harder you try it and the faster you run the horizon is still, the horizon is still the same. Distance is still out there and you never. We never really appreciate how far we've come. The key is you've got to take the time to turn around and look back and see all of the things that you've gone through, all the process process that you've adapted, the habits that you have, all the things that you did that were wrong and how you corrected those mistakes that you made and to realize where you're at.
Speaker 2: 22:58 You've come so far. Unfortunately for most of us, we get frustrated because we're not where we want to be and that's one of the great benefits of having a coach. I had, I was talking with Eric Guy. I've hired as my trainer and I'm not lifting the amount of weight pounds wise or by bench or by press or or all that I was hoping I would be at, and he's like, Dave, you have to understand when we first started, you couldn't even balance on one foot. You, you couldn't even. You didn't have the tendon strength and all these things just started going through one thing after another goes. Yet, could you be further or want to be further? Yes, Dave, I get that, but please appreciate and understand how far you've come and for me, that's the benefit of having a coach. A coach can help see where you need to go.
Speaker 2: 23:50 They'll help you avoid the mind minds that are going to be in the basically the field that you're walking across, but more important than that, they also were able to take the time to help you turn around and look back when you get frustrated because you're not at the level that you want. So again, a quick little summary here. Understand you have to have results, goals. You've got to then take those results, goals and break those down into process goals, process goals, then need to become habits, that smallest unit but thing that you can do without fail, and then the most important thing is you gotta find the identity. You have to identify who it is that you want to become and assume that identity, become that person in the moment and start doing the things that that person would do, so please understand that for most of us at this time of year where people start giving up on their new year's resolutions, it's because they have so many unmet expectations.
Speaker 2: 24:44 Uh, James made mentioned that all upset, all upset comes from unmet expectations. And the whole idea here is to be able to set a goal that's realistic. Something you could hit by August so that you don't have this upset by having so many unmet expectations. I, it's interesting, again, circling back to the fact that we were on this cruise with the two comma club members, how many of them had set a goal of by Nick's funnel hacking live, I am going to have walking across stage and receiving the two Comma Club award and that's an awesome goal, but realize that's if you're just starting in a year that is next to impossible it. I mean it's. And I would hate to think that people are frustrated or are anxious or upset because they, they didn't meet that expectation. That expectation is huge. There's no. It was a Stephen Larsen who's a dear friend of mine, uh, was on the cruise as well, and each year he sets a huge goal and basically he calls his shot kind of like babe ruth a pointed the outfield and saying, this is going to be a home run.
Speaker 2: 25:57 It's going to end in that section. It's that type of thing calling the shot. And so each year he calls his shot. Well, last year was his first year on his own. Basically the two years prior had been working with us at funnels a as Russell's funnel builder and then last year in January and went on his own and he called his shot basically, I am going to make a million dollars next year and I'm like, Steven, that is crazy. I said, you probably will just because of all the all the foundation work that you put in over all the years. It's not like he was just starting. He had years of foundation work and spent a ton of time with Russell and everything else, but it's interesting. I remember talking with him the last week of December and he's like, Dave, I'm so frustrated because I didn't hit it. I'm like, you didn't hit what?
Speaker 2: 26:44 He goes, I didn't hit the million. I said, well, where'd you end? He goes, like 857,000. I'm like, Stephen, that's crazy. That is so insanely crazy. He goes, the part that's so frustrating is there's like 150,000 of it. That is. It will be coming in. It's already on the books. It's just not here yet. I'm like, Steven, you have to understand, and again, this is one thing that you got to take a look back and instead of always looking at the price and take a look back and say, dude, you hit an $857,000 in 12 months. That's an insane number and again, he most likely will hit the two comma club that was walking across stage here, but realize for most people in the first year, that's next to impossible just because they don't have all the foundation work and the years that Steven had put in.
Speaker 2: 27:27 My only reason I'm saying that is I want you to be happy. I want you to be so excited about your goals, about, about your life because you've come so far and yes, the horizon is still out there and yes, there's still going to be big, audacious, hairy goals. You're gonna be going after. I get that, but please take the time to appreciate where you've come and I know for myself as I look back over this last year, am I lifting as much as I wanted in my fast? No, but I can tell you I am so thrilled, so excited for where I am physically right now, and the fact that I actually can balance on one foot and I can feel my feet and I'm not in a wheelchair. I mean you have no idea the gratitude I feel every single day for where I am healthwise right now, and I would just hope that as you take a look at this year as you set your goals to realize the importance of results, goals, process, goals and habits, and most importantly assume that identity.
Speaker 2: 28:22 Have an amazing year. I hope to see all of you guys at funnel hacking live. It is literally right around the corner, a call to action here. If for some reason you have not purchased your ticket, there are still a few left. Please go to funnel hacking Get your ticket, walk up to me and say, you know what, Dave, I was listening to results, your podcast about results. Kohl's and I bought my ticket because of what you said. Anyway. I want to see if I could live, so please go to [inaudible] dot com. Buy Your ticket, have an amazing day and we'll talk to you soon.
Speaker 4: 28:54 Hi everybody. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to the podcast. If you don't mind, could you please share this with others, rate and review this podcast on itunes. It means the world to me where I'm trying to get to as a million downloads here in the next few months and just crush through over $650,000 and I just want to get that next few 100,000 so we can get to a million downloads and see really what I can do to help improve and and get this out to more people. At the same time. If there's a topic, there's something you'd like me to share or someone you'd like me to interview, by all means, just reach out to me on facebook. You can pm me and I'll be more than happy to take any of your feedback as well as you'd like me to interview. More than happy to reach out and have that conversation with you. So again, go to Itunes, rate and review this, share this podcast with others and let me know how else I can improve this or what I can do to make this better for you guys. Thanks.