Brad welcomes Logan Schwartz of to discuss evolved concepts of athletic training within the context of healthy living. It's time to reject the flawed and narrow focus of the traditional athletic training approach, where the focus is on work output connected specifically to your athletic goals. Logan, like other thought leaders, places the emphasis on overall daily movement and functionality over a devoted workout regimen. Of particular interest is the concept presented about conducting brief bursts of exercise output over the course of the day. Cranking about 20 deep squats in your cubicle, doing a few vertical jumps onto a park bench, or doing a few pullups every time you enter a certain doorway in your house. This kinda stuff adds up! Furthermore, you enjoy fitness adaptation benefits without the risk of overstress and overtraining that happens with prolonged, exhausting workouts. Logan explains that any effort that even slightly exceeds your "basic adaptation threshold will improve your fitness. If you do 5 pullups at a time 10 times per day, that's 50 pullups a day. "There is a time to survive (such as a maximum effort competition) and a time to thrive (by training in a sensible manner and leading a varied and active lifestyle.) Many more important insights are offered throughout the show, and you will pick up some recurring themes revealing the progression of thought in the fitness world from other leaders like Katy Bowman, Dr. Kelly Starrett, and Craig Marker (who advocates for HIRT--High Intensity Repeat Training, over the more popular HIIT--High Intensity Interval Training.) Logan comes to the table with extensive experience, having been a strength and conditioning coach for the University of Texas mens and womens basketball teams for over a decade. If you have an open mind and want to get better in any sport, listen carefully to this show and broaden your perspective about what training and fitness really mean!
We are losing the ability to have delayed gratification. What one sees on social media often is distorted truth. [00:00:40]
Are the current methods of training adequate or even appropriate? [00:04:59]
What has Logan seen to help people stay healthy, use their potential, and avoid the pitfalls of injury? [00:11:27]
We are seeing a lack of fundamentals. [00:00:15:00]
High intensity interval training is tiring. The idea is not how much you can endure over the length of the workout, it's the performance of each interval that matters. [00:20:25]
We should get back to self-limiting exercise. [00:23:41]
Train all day. The body was not designed for what most of us do during the day. [00:25:43]
The fitness business is a business convincing that you need them. [00:28:01]
The sensible message is to sleep and eat well. The societal message has been, "if you want to get better, you have to work hard and suffer." Some people use exercise as a punishment. [00:35:54]
I love my body, why would I have a “cheat” day? [00:38:30]
Why does a person want to lose weight? [00:39:12]
Much exercise is like processed food: Planned and structured isn't necessary. Just move. [00:41:20]
How might a person get redirected from a structured exercise program? [00:44:20]
Gradually build from your personal threshold. Worry about just getting better each time. [00:48:45]
Austin Vitality Coach
Katy Bowman
- How hard can you work without working hard?
- We should get back to self-limiting exercise.
- You don’t exercise to get fit. You exercise because you are fit.
- I love my body, why would I have a “cheat” day?
- Some people use exercise as a punishment.
- Man is the only animal smart enough to make it’s own food but is the only animal stupid enough to eat it!
- I think there are people out there trying to kill themselves in the name of health and performance.
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