Today we are going to talk about email.
But first, I would like to say we are not going to have an episode next week. I will be at the New Media Summit all week and won’t have a chance to record an episode.
Why Email is So Important for Creators
- Platform Independent, if YouTube or Facebook keeps you from contacting your subscribers you need a way to tell them you’ve moved to a new platform.
- While your fans may not see every Facebook post or YouTube notification they will get every email if you follow the advice I will give you in this episode.
- Email is often the primary driver of new Patrons and Backers. For my Kickstarter campaigns, it is not uncommon for 60-80% of the backers to come from email
Before we talk about email, let’s talk about how to have an excellent email newsletter, but first let’s talk a bit about respect.
- Spam is in the eye of the beholder.
- Creepy / Charming (thin line in between)
- Permission
Tip 1 Give People A Good Reason to Subscribe
- The initial incentive you give someone to subscriber to your email list is called a “lead magnet.”
- If you are a band, give a free mp3 of one of your songs.
- If you are an artist, give a free wallpaper.
- If you are an author, give a free short story.
- If you are a guru, give a tip sheet or a resource guide.
- How to Create a Lead Magnet
Tip 2 Create an Onboarding Campaign
- The emails that automatically drip out to your subscribers is sometimes called a drip campaign.
- These emails are great for introducing new subscribers to you and your work.
- It allows you to focus on true fans in your periodic emails.
- We having an example of this for authors at the Novel Marketing podcast.
Tip 3 Provide Consistent Value.
- Only send out emails that your fans want to read.
- New Book Announcements
- Concert in Your Area (MailChimp makes this easy)
- Fan Art for Your Book
- New Video on Youtube (if you don’t post often)
Tip 4 Use MailChimp at First
- It’s Free
- Everyone uses it so tutorials are easy to find
- Integrates with everything
- Has decent onboarding features
- I am an affiliate and have used MailChimp for over five years. If you want to support this show, use my affiliate link.
- Once you have over 10,000 subscribers, there may be reasons to move to something more powerful like Drip or Convert Kit.
Tip 5 Be Consistent
- Don’t Boost Your Frequency Without a Good Reason
- Don’t go dark for too long or you will hit spam traps.
Tip 6 Experiment
Tip 7 Measure Your Results
- Read your email campaign reports
- Poll Your Readers.
- Ask them what they want.
Tip 8 Keep it Short and Simple.
- Beautiful emails are more likely to go to gmails “Promotions” tab
- Beautiful emails get fewer clicks
- Beautiful emails sell fewer products.
- Beautiful emails are more work to make.
Use Novel Marketing’s Patreon Affiliate Link to make an extra $50 for your first 30 backers.
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