The last few weeks of the year mark a time when most leaders are busy working on getting the last of the year’s projects completed while at the same time looking at developing goals and strategies for the year to come.But this time of the year also marks an important opportunity for leaders to take stock of their leadership performance over the past 12 months. To examine and reflect on what they did well, what they need to change, and what unanswered needs will need to be addressed going forward.Of course, the caveat here is that leaders need to make the time to reflect on their past performance, as well as have a series of questions to help prompt their reflection process.That’s why for this edition of my Leadership Espresso Shot series, I want to share a year-end reflection exercise that every leader who’s interested in improving their craft should take the time to do.This reflection exercise will help you discover insights about your leadership over the past year and where you need to put your time and attention in the months ahead.As you prepare to wind down the year, I hope you’ll take some time to listen to this episode to help you reflect on what you need to address to do better going forward.