When Have Your Saving, Spending and Earning Habits Gone Too Far? (SB 1421)
Oct 13, 2023
Join Diania Merriman, Doc G, and Paulette Perhach as they discuss extreme saving, extreme spending, and finding the right balance between the two. They touch on topics such as the Akano Me Conference, personal preferences and deprivation, retiring early, financial habits of neurodivergent individuals, the value of giving oneself permission to spend, origins and trivia of hockey, increasing income and job satisfaction, funny moments at children's birthday parties, and hotel lobby hacks.
Finding a balance between saving, spending, and working is crucial in achieving long-term financial success.
Saving too much or excessively spending can have negative impacts on financial well-being, while working too hard can detract from enjoying life.
Earning more money can significantly impact financial goals, but it's important to evaluate if the time and energy invested in earning more is worth the return.
Deep dives
The Value of Finding a Balance in Saving, Spending, and Working
Finding a balance in saving, spending, and working is crucial. Saving too much can lead to feelings of deprivation. It's essential to question why we want what we want and if it aligns with our values. Similarly, spending too much can cause financial strain and limit future possibilities. It's important to determine the difference between wants and needs and prioritize financial goals. Lastly, working too hard can consume valuable time and detract from enjoying life. It's necessary to evaluate the trade-off between time spent working and the financial rewards it provides.
The Role of Earning More in Financial Well-Being
Earning more money can significantly impact financial well-being and provide more opportunities. It's essential to evaluate if the amount of time and energy invested in earning more is worth the return. Coasting FI, reaching a point where you no longer need to actively save, allows for flexible decision-making regarding work and life. Finding balance between earning, saving, and enjoying the present moment is key to long-term financial success.
The Pitfalls of Extremes in Finances
Extreme approaches in finance, such as saving too much, spending excessively, or working excessively, can lead to negative outcomes. It's crucial to avoid the pitfalls of these extremes by finding a middle ground. Understanding personal values, needs, and desires is vital in making financial decisions and creating a path that aligns with individual goals and aspirations.
Finding the right balance between saving and enjoying life
The podcast discusses the importance of finding a balance between saving for financial independence (FI) and enjoying life in the present. While the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement emphasizes saving a high percentage of income, it is crucial to consider personal circumstances and happiness. Saving 50 to 70% of income may not be feasible or enjoyable for everyone. Building habits of frugality and delayed gratification take time, and reaching the FI number isn't a sudden permission to start spending. It is essential to gradually develop skills to enjoy life while on the path to FI.
The value of increasing income and creating a culture of mindful spending
The podcast episode delves into the idea that increasing income can be just as important as cutting expenses for financial growth. It highlights the importance of not being overly extreme in drastically reducing expenses. Additionally, the conversation turns towards fostering a culture of mindful spending and creating shared experiences with friends and loved ones. The focus is on saving for future goals while still finding ways to enjoy life in the present. The discussion touches upon the idea of visualizing together, setting goals, and building habits that support both saving and experiencing a better quality of life.
How much is too much of a good thing? How do we achieve the optimal balance between the two extremes of cheapskate and YOLO? Joining us for this extreme discussion we welcome the founder of the EconoME Conference and Doug's ex-girlfriend, Diania Merriman; Doc G from our sister show, the Earn & Invest Podcast, and writer extraordinaire, Paulette Perhach. They'll discuss what makes for extreme saving and extreme spending.
In the second half of this extreme roundtable discussion, we talk about how to find the right balance between the two extremes, based on your priorities and goals in life.
Finally, stick around for Doug's extreme sports-themed trivia! With all three of our regular contributors MIA, who will walk away with the W as we enter the second week of the fourth quarter?