Learn how to make the most of Black Friday sales by planning purchases, using price tracking tools, and setting up a sinking fund. Save money with cash back and rewards programs, especially Rakuten. Discover holiday shopping tricks like paying credit card balances on time, using Marshals for quality at the best prices, and taking advantage of discounts by abandoning online carts. Get tips on mindful spending and grab a free holiday budgeting spreadsheet.
Create a list of specific items needed before Black Friday to avoid impulse buying or unnecessary purchases.
Use price tracking tools to ensure genuine bargains and avoid being fooled by inflated discounts.
Deep dives
Tips for Shopping Black Friday Deals
One of the main points discussed in the podcast is the importance of making a list and sticking to it when shopping on Black Friday. The host advises creating a list of specific items needed or wanted in advance to avoid the temptation of impulse buying or purchasing unnecessary items. By keeping the list short, organized, and focused, shoppers can resist deviating from their intended purchases and avoid wasting money on items they don't actually need or want. The host also shares examples from her own list, such as special period underpants, silver jewelry, and new blazers for professional occasions.
Utilize Price Tracking Tools and Extensions
Another tip highlighted in the podcast is the use of price tracking tools and extensions to ensure getting good deals on Black Friday. Tools like Honey, Camel Camel Camel, and PriceBlink help track price drops and discounts, enabling shoppers to identify genuine bargains. This is particularly important as some products may have been marked up prior to Black Friday sales, making the discount seem more significant than it actually is. The host suggests using these tools to monitor price history, ensuring that the purchases made on Black Friday are indeed great deals.
Strategies for Saving Money on Holiday Gifts
The podcast emphasizes the opportunity to buy holiday gifts during Black Friday sales. The host suggests planning and organizing gift purchases early to take advantage of the sales before the desperation of the holiday season drives up prices. By making a list of gifts for friends and family and buying them during the Black Friday period, shoppers can secure great deals and avoid overspending on themselves. Additionally, the host mentions using a free holiday budgeting spreadsheet available on her website to help manage holiday expenses and ensure affordable yet thoughtful gift-giving.
My go-to, Marshalls, is sponsoring today’s episode! The holiday season is upon us! And while the holidays can be an exciting time, it can be stressful on our wallets. Plus with all the best deals of the year happening and the want to take advantage, shopping can feel massively overwhelming. I'm laying out some of my best tips and tricks to handling the holiday shopping season like a pro! How do we maximize on Black Friday deals? When is the best time to buy? And how can we budget ahead of time to make the holiday season feel less like a financial burden?
Got a financial question you want answered on a future episode? Text me or leave me a voicemail at 908-858-3410.
Special thanks again to Marshalls for sponsoring this episode!