Excuse us while we have a little fangirl moment on the podcast because, in this episode, we chat with someone who has been a massive inspiration to us both - Kerstin Cable from fluentlanguage.co.uk and The Fluent Show!
Kerstin tells us about where Fluent Language started, how her podcast grew out of a series of interviews on her blog, a bit about her personal experience of learning languages and about Women In Language, an online conference that she organises with Lindsay Williams and Shannon Kennedy, which is designed to champion, celebrate, and amplify the voices of women in language learning. (Fun fact: Penny & Bec actually met through the first Women In Language conference in 2018!)
We loved speaking to Kerstin and hope you enjoy this Language Chat too. Have you listened to The Fluent Show before? Join Kerstin on 9 October for a livestream to celebrate the 200th Episode of The Fluent Show!
This year’s edition of Women In Language will be happening from 17-20 September 2020. Are you excited to attend Women In Language (again or for the first time)?
Let us know here, in our Facebook Group or Instagram! Episode Links