On Being with Krista Tippett cover image

On Being with Krista Tippett

James Bridle — The Intelligence Singing All Around Us

Mar 2, 2023
Snipd AI
In this podcast, James Bridle explores the interconnectedness of life and the paradox of measurement. They discuss the relationship between intelligence and consciousness, the role of technology in shaping our understanding of humanity and artificial intelligence, and the significance of language in connection to the natural world. Bridle also explores the concept of endo symbiosis, challenges traditional views of individuality, and delves into the human capacity to imagine and create non-human intelligence.
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Quick takeaways

  • The interplay between intelligence and consciousness expands our understanding of the broad commonwealth of life.
  • Exploring the significance of time and consciousness helps us recognize the interconnectedness of all forms of life.

Deep dives

The fascination with non-human life and the interplay between intelligence and consciousness

The podcast explores the fascination with non-human life and the interplay between intelligence and consciousness. The speaker delves into the concept of the broad commonwealth of life that humans are entangled with and the paradox of measuring things accurately. The importance of language in understanding the natural world and the relationship between technology and ecological understanding are discussed. The speaker also emphasizes the need to ask questions that go beyond human-centric perspectives and focus on understanding the experiences of other beings.

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